Hi Gerd
Wouldn't it be more efficient to choose a point within a each polygon
and then use IsInUtils.isPointInShape and the relative areas to test if
this polygon is in others. The point could be the centre of the
polygon, after checking isPointInShape == IN on itself, and, if not,
make do with the closing point, or some trial and error moving from the
closing point.
This also bypasses ambiguities cause by overlapping polygons in this
phase of the logic.
On Wed, 2021-03-31 at 15:56 +0100, svn commit wrote:
> Version mkgmap-r4622 was committed by gerd on Wed, 31 Mar 2021
> BRANCH: faster-mp
> - use IsInUtil to do geometry calculations like insideness or
> outsideness: Allows to remove a lot of complex code but might be
> slower in some cases.
> - document the poor completeness of collection intersectingPolygons.
> Probably will removed as well.
> http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/websvn/revision.php?repname=mkgmap&rev=4622
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