@Mike - Wonderful idea. I'm a complete newbie here but have been using mkgmap for a while now with good results. I was just asking about the echotags feature on the OSM Garmin list, and more specifically what the long number was that precedes the message. Now I read that it will be made to do some useful work for OSMers. How long before this patch makes it into the released application do you think?



On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 6:55 PM, Mike Baggaley <mike@tvage.co.uk> wrote:
The attached patch improves the echo and echotags messages by including the
id of the original element when a fake id is generated by mkgmap, thus
enabling you to find it in OSM.

Please try, and commit if you are happy with the change.


mkgmap-dev mailing list

Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at http://dswarthout.blogspot.com