On 23.05.2010 18:24, Felix Hartmann wrote:
There is
a serious bug that breaks routable maps when --route is NOT given. This
bug will in future break routing on most GPS devices and is already
inflicting Mapsource 6.16.1 and Basecamp 3.
This means that also if you compile maps that are not routable, you
have to pass the --route parameter. Else the GPS / Mapsource looks into
an empty NOD table and may crash. This will happen as soon as you mix
routable maps with the non routable mkgmap created maps.
The problem is that Mapsource and the GPS search for 63440000.NOD data
(63440000 as an example placeholder for the mapname). "Falagar", a
developer at Garmin said to release a fix for this bug in Mapsource
6.16.2 however mentioned that this fix will not be carried on to GPS
devices and will still mean a deterioration of overall routing.
I'm not sure what the exact problem for this is (I just tried even very
old mkgmap versions like 858 and also there the problem arises) but
currently this means that --route should be the compulsory for all map
creation, also not routable ones. If you have old maps (eg transparent
contourline maps) that are troublesome to rebuilt, then opening with
gpsmapedit, saving as mp and recompiling passing --route parameter is
enough to solve the problem.
I think that until the bug is found, mkgmap should adopt --route as
standard, because it may happen that if users put an mkgmap created
without --route onto their GPS besides other routable maps, these maps
might impact autorouting for the other routable maps (except if
"deactivated" on the GPS).
Just as an update. I got the following answer from Falagar, concerning
creating all maps with --route parameter:
Naja, das ist halt nur ein Trick. Am besten waere es, die NOD-Flag
zu entfernen, aber ich weiss nicht, ob ihr wisst, wo die ist. Ich weiss
es leider auch nicht.
Es koennte evtl. ein wenig langsamer sein, wenn MS & Geraet die
Routinginformationen erst oeffnen muessen, bevor wir feststellen, dass
da keine Info drin ist.
Aber ich denke, das sollte erst einmal funktionieren.
Translation. This is only a trick. Best would be to completly remove
the NOD-Flag, but I don't know whether you know where it is. Actually,
I don't know it either.
Eventually it could be a little bit slower if Mapsource & GPS first
has to open the routing information, until it notices that there is no
info inside.
But I think this would do if for a beginning.
So either someone finds the NOD flag (gmaptool also knows nothing about
it, removing NOD data with gmaptool does not clear the NOD flag, ) and
it will be deactivated when --route is not given, or we pass --route as
mandatory, as we obviously miss something in the implementation. I will
give some really old versions a go to see if they did it correctly and
the bug got introduced with the advent of routing in mkgmap, and send a
message if they worked correctly. If not then we probably set this flag
since the beginning (but until recently this was no problem).