This is more than 1 kilometer apart!
Also addresses like Municypalna 14 are shifted about 50m. Another bug is related to uncommon house numbers like 12a, 67/69, etc. When given an address like Municypalna 12a, Mapsource tries to locate Municypalna 12 (which is elsewhere, probably interpolated because no node with such housenumber is in OSM).
When I enter address Pulawska 67/69, Mapsource shows Pulawska 623.
Main branch of mkgmap behaves in similar way, but addresses are shifted slightly different (When entering Municypalna 12a, Mapsource searches for Municypalna 23, Pulawska 67 is in different place - still wrong).
This doesn't seem to be related with --code-page switch.
best regards
Michal Rogala