Hi Steve
many thanks for that !
Will let you know I how got on
r Nick
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: House numbers
Hi Nick

> Almost every street in Exeter has osm address numbers . I'm keen to
> translate them into a mp format  so I can test your latest amazing efforts.
> Unfortunately I'm not too sure what to do with the jar .

Since numbers only work with .mp file, there is no need for anything
else and you can just use the downloaded jar from the website in place
of the mkgmap.jar

   java -jar mkgmap-numbering-r2410.jar exeter.mp

Or you can take a copy of the latest trunk release of mkgmap and replace
the mkgmap.jar file in there with numbering one, changing its name
to mkgmap.jar and then just use it as normal.

I will probably merge it to trunk as soon as it is confirmed that it
doesn't affect any existing functionality.


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