Thanks Jaakko, I'm pretty sure that the problem is indeed related to gmapbmap.img (the "wrong" street has the same shape as one of the streets that show up when I disable my gmapsupp.img).

However, when I delete the gmapbmap.img, I loose routing capabilities to many of the POIs and addresses! Is there another way? Maybe edit the gmapbmap.img to delete the streets (it's only a few)?

There is another theory I have: As you can see in our wget commands, we are downloading the island in two parts. It seems that the routing has issues only when going between the two parts. Maybe the overlap isn't big enough? Does anybody know the minimum required overlap?

On 09/02/13 04:08, Jaakko wrote:
Checked the video: Looks _exactly_ like my basemap problem.

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Jaakko <> wrote:
I didn't look at the video but what you describe sounds like a pesky problem I have experienced before. 
My solution was to delete the global basemap(?) from the device memory. It's an .img file of about 50MB. Solved the problem.
-- * Skype: jhelleranta * Mobile: +509-37-269154  *

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:36 AM, Fabian S. <> wrote:

we are having a problem with the maps: In some cases, the routing uses streets that don't exist!

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