enrico@gling:/opt/osm/tmp$ osmium merge *.pbf -o all.pbf [======================================================================] 100% enrico@gling:/opt/osm/tmp$ java -jar ../splitter/splitter.jar --mapid=70000001 all.pbf Splitter version 597 compiled 2020-01-30T14:10:47+0000 boundary-tags=use-exclude-list cache= description= geonames-file= handle-element-version=remove ignore-osm-bounds=false keep-complete=true mapid=70000001 max-areas=2048 max-nodes=1600000 max-threads=4 (auto) mixed=false no-trim=false num-tiles= output=pbf output-dir= overlap=auto polygon-desc-file= polygon-file= precomp-sea= problem-file= problem-report= resolution=13 route-rel-values= search-limit=200000 split-file= status-freq=120 stop-after=dist wanted-admin-level=5 write-kml= Elapsed time: 0s Memory: Current 115MB (5MB used, 110MB free) Max 1700MB Time started: Thu Jun 11 22:58:36 CEST 2020 Map is being split for resolution 13: - area boundaries are aligned to 0x800 map units (0.0439453125 degrees) - areas are multiples of 0x800 map units wide and high Processing all.pbf Fill-densities-map pass took 367 ms Exact map coverage read from input file(s) is (31.209990978240967,5.3397417068481445) to (42.94660806655884,29.90999937057495) Rounded map coverage is (31.201171875,5.3173828125) to (42.978515625,29.9267578125) Splitting nodes into areas containing a maximum of 1,600,000 nodes each... Highest node count in a single grid element is 41,049 Solving partition (31.201171875,5.3173828125) to (42.978515625,29.9267578125) with 426,742 nodes Trying to find nice split for (31.201171875,5.3173828125) to (42.978515625,29.9267578125) with 426,742 nodes searching for split with min-nodes 80000, learned 0 good partial solutions Best solution until now: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 426742 (26 %), the worst aspect ratio is near 1.79, elapsed search time: 0 s This can't be improved. Solution is nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 200000: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 426742 (26 %), the worst aspect ratio is near 1.79 Final solution: 1 tile(s). The smallest node count is 426742 (26 %), the worst aspect ratio is near 1.79 This seems to be nice. Area 70000001 covers (31.201171875,5.3173828125) to (42.978515625,29.9267578125) and contains 426742 nodes (26 %) Creating the initial areas took 17 ms 1 areas: Area 70000001: 1454080,247808 to 2002944,1394688 covers (0x163000,0x3c800) to (0x1e9000,0x154800) Generating problem list for 1 distinct areas Processing 1 areas in a single pass Pseudo areas: Pseudo area -2 covers (42.978515625,-180.0) to (90.0,180.0) Pseudo area -3 covers (-90.0,-180.0) to (31.201171875,180.0) Pseudo area -4 covers (31.201171875,-180.0) to (42.978515625,5.3173828125) Pseudo area -5 covers (31.201171875,29.9267578125) to (42.978515625,180.0) cached 6 combinations of areas that form rectangles. AreaGridTree [512][512] for grid area (-90.0,-180.0) to (90.0,180.0) requires max. 3 checks for each node (0 sub grid(s)) Starting problem-list-generator pass(es) ----------------------------------- Starting problem-list-generator pass 1 of 1 way Map: uses SparseLong2IntMap coord Map: uses SparseLong2IntMap Processing all.pbf Processing all.pbf coord Map: 426,742 stored long/int pairs require ca. 1141 bytes per pair. 32,540 chunks are used, the avg. number of values in one 64-chunk is 13. coord Map details: ~465 MB, including 58 array(s) with 8 MB way Map: 65,454 stored long/int pairs require ca. 1027 bytes per pair. 11,456 chunks are used, the avg. number of values in one 64-chunk is 5. way Map details: ~64 MB, including 8 array(s) with 8 MB Number of stored area combis for nodes: 426,742 Number of stored area combis for ways: 65,454 Number of stored Integers for rels: 0 Number of stored combis in dictionary: 17 Number of detected problem ways: 0 Number of detected problem rels: 0 JVM Memory Info: Current 1109MB (621MB used, 488MB free) Max 1700MB Problem-list-generator pass 1 took 533 ms Problem-list-generator pass(es) took 596 ms cached 0 combinations of areas that form rectangles. AreaGridTree [512][512] for grid area (31.201171875,5.3173828125) to (42.978515625,29.9267578125) requires max. 1 checks for each node (0 sub grid(s)) Writing temp files took 0 ms Distributing data Thu Jun 11 22:58:37 CEST 2020 Processing 1 areas in a single pass coord Map: uses SparseLong2IntMap way Map: uses SparseLong2IntMap Starting distribution pass 1 of 1, processing 1 areas (70000001 to 70000001) Processing all.pbf Writing ways Thu Jun 11 22:58:38 CEST 2020 Writing relations Thu Jun 11 22:58:38 CEST 2020 coord Map: 426,742 stored long/int pairs require ca. 1141 bytes per pair. 32,540 chunks are used, the avg. number of values in one 64-chunk is 13. coord Map details: ~465 MB, including 58 array(s) with 8 MB way Map: 65,454 stored long/int pairs require ca. 1027 bytes per pair. 11,456 chunks are used, the avg. number of values in one 64-chunk is 5. way Map details: ~64 MB, including 8 array(s) with 8 MB JVM Memory Info: Current 1153MB (579MB used, 574MB free) Max 1700MB Full Node tests: 2 Quick Node tests: 426,740 Thread worker-0 has finished Distribution pass(es) took 1376 ms Time finished: Thu Jun 11 22:58:38 CEST 2020 Total time taken: 2 seconds enrico@gling:/opt/osm/tmp$ cat areas.poly area 1 5.317383 31.201172 5.317383 42.978516 29.926758 42.978516 29.926758 31.201172 5.317383 31.201172 END END enrico@gling:/opt/osm/tmp$