The actual reason for this problem is, that Mapsource >=6.14 and Basecamp cache the map before/while you view it. Therefore it needs to fix the projections. Hence - the more out of the center of the map you move (south/north), the more distorted it will be. Moving east/west of course doesn't create distortion.
Mapsource 6.13.6 doesn't do this (use 6.13.6 and not 6.13.7 because of bugs in 6.13.7) - however doesn't have anti-aliasing and actually quite a few other handy features that you can use with mkgmap. Also 6.13.6 doesn't display all extended types (many but not all of the same as Mapsource 6.16, basecamp, or the GPS devices).
On 20.04.2013 06:49, Gerd Petermann wrote:
Hi Michael,

> But I think Minko got it by pointing to the viewing angle in Mapsource.

sure, Minkos explanation is much better.


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