to keep your workflow you could possibly generate the .imgs with overlay info --transparent and give them increasingly higher --draw-priority to control, which is painted on top of which. Modern devices allow to enable and use multiple map layers this way, although heritage devices may not.
> Combine attempts with like "java -jar mkgmap/mkgmap.jar
--gmapsupp basemap.img fixme.img oneway.img"
Wouldn't the mkgmap syntax treat at least the last file named on
the command line as typfile?
But: In an old shellscript I do successfully merge multiple .imgs
into one final .img using mkgmap with an args-file for the final
map (including --gmapsupp) and several --input-file=....img lines
for the individual .imgs. The individual .img's typfiles all are
given individual names during the individual maps creation,
although they typically (but not enforced) where just copies of
the same source typfile in my usecase. No typfile named for the
final map. The outcome works on Garmin Edge devices as well as
QMapShack on Linux.
# concatenate maps from subregions (if
any) to main region
# create options.arg file
echo "overview-mapname=${MAPNAME}" > ${ARGS}
echo "overview-mapnumber=${MFID}0000" >> ${ARGS}
echo "draw-priority=30" >> ${ARGS}
echo "transparent" >> ${ARGS}
echo "gmapsupp" >> ${ARGS}
for SUBDIR in $(ls -d "${PROJDIR}/${MREGION}/"*/)
if ! [ ${SUBDIR: -5} == ".bak/" ] 2> /dev/null
# ${SUBDIR} is subregion not .bak dir
for IMGFILE in $(ls -d "${SUBDIR}"*.img 2>
echo "input-file=${IMGFILE}" >> ${ARGS}
echo "output-dir=${PROJDIR}/tmp/" >> ${ARGS}
echo "verbose" >> ${ARGS}
# run mkgmap to tmp
mkgmap -c ${ARGS}