> Felix> only downwards, is what everyone expects, but not what mkgmap did
> Felix> so far. I critisized this quite often in the past....
> Thanks Felix - that's what I wanted to know. I obviously overlooked
> your previous complaints!
> The style rules you present do look quite unwieldy - perhaps it's
> possible to simplify by setting initial defaults, and using those to
> allow revising downwards:
> /--------
> | highway=motorway { add mkgmap:road-speed-class = 7 }
> | highway=trunk { add mkgmap:road-speed-class = 6 }
> | ...
> |
> | maxspeed:practical=* { set maxspeed=${maxspeed:practical} }
> |
> | maxspeed=* & mkgmap:road-speed-class > 1 & maxspeedkmh() <= 5
> | { set mkgmap:road-speed-class = 1 }
> | maxspeed=* & mkgmap:road-speed-class > 2 & maxspeedkmh() <= 20
> | { set mkgmap:road-speed-class = 2 }
> | ...
> \--------
> Is there any reason why that wouldn't work?
Should work.
As I answered Felix I will come back later on to improve the default
maxspeed rules.
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