> > Should I also add support for multiple levels in the overview map?
> Do you mean, it will be possible to show motorways at resolution 14, and borders at 13-14?
> If you can, that would be great.
yes, that is possible and I want to implement it, but I'd like to fix the open routing problems first.
> I dont see an advantage of getting map elements that are not displayed anymore on the lowest map level (resolution 16) which suddenly appears again on the overview map at even lower levels. I dont think this makes sense, if something is missing, it should be added in the style file at the lowest map level.
ok, so I think I counted two votes pro and three contra for this.
Since it is rather easy to implement and has no disadvantage for those that don't want to use
it I will probably also implement it.
I just have to find a user friendly interface ...