This is fantastic, thank you for this work!
I don´t understand anything what you do, but it works and my maps looks much better.
I use phyghtmap to get the hgt Files. phyghtmap stores the files in 4 folders, view3, view1, srtm3 and srtm1. Can i tell x-dem to look in all 4 folders? Or must i copy all hgts in one folder?
Gerd Petermann hat am 21. Dezember 2017 um 18:10 geschrieben:
I've just committed r4010. I think I found the bug that caused the wrong reliefs or empty rectangles.
Next step is to calculate multiple levels.
@Frank: I forgot to make the number of zero bits depended on the previously calculated plateau length.
The corresponding code in your program
if (iPlateauLengthBinBits >= 0) // bei Plateaufollower weniger Bit erlaubt
lbits -= iPlateauLengthBinBits + 1;
I think that this makes only sense if a BigBin value changes something, e.g. resets a flag or increases/decreases
a counter. Else it would just be a waste of space. I think you mentioned something like that in the pdf as well.
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