On 5 April 2017 at 18:13, Gerd Petermann <GPetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com> wrote:
the current patch adds the list of values to a HashSet and searches for exact matches only.
If we allow wildcards or regular expressions in general we need a lot more code to parse
a new option file and implement a sequential search for the given patterns.
I'd prefer to keep this simple for now, so please add each pattern. Or do you think that is not possible?

Sorry for the late reply. No no problem. I can just write down all the possible combinations into the option file too. Going to be maybe 100 entries - so should be fine.

Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org
Schusterbergweg 32/8
6020 Innsbruck
Austria - Österreich