;=========== POLYGONS : RENDERING PRIORITY ====== [_drawOrder] Type=0x01,2 Type=0x02,2 Type=0x03,2 Type=0x04,2 Type=0x05,2 Type=0x06,2 Type=0x07,2 Type=0x08,2 Type=0x09,2 Type=0x0a,2 Type=0x0b,2 Type=0x0c,2 Type=0x0d,2 Type=0x0e,2 Type=0x0f,2 Type=0x10,2 Type=0x11,2 Type=0x12,2 Type=0x13,2 Type=0x14,2 Type=0x15,2 Type=0x16,2 Type=0x17,2 Type=0x18,2 Type=0x19,2 Type=0x1a,2 Type=0x1b,2 Type=0x1c,2 Type=0x1d,2 Type=0x1e,2 Type=0x1f,2 Type=0x20,2 Type=0x21,2 Type=0x22,2 Type=0x23,2 Type=0x24,2 Type=0x25,2 Type=0x26,2 Type=0x27,2 Type=0x28,2 Type=0x29,2 Type=0x2a,2 Type=0x2b,2 Type=0x2c,2 Type=0x2d,2 Type=0x2e,2 Type=0x2f,2 Type=0x30,2 Type=0x31,2 Type=0x32,2 Type=0x33,2 Type=0x34,2 Type=0x35,2 Type=0x36,2 Type=0x37,2 Type=0x38,2 Type=0x39,2 Type=0x3a,2 Type=0x3b,2 Type=0x3c,2 Type=0x3d,2 Type=0x3e,2 Type=0x3f,2 Type=0x40,2 Type=0x41,2 Type=0x42,2 Type=0x43,2 Type=0x44,2 Type=0x45,2 Type=0x46,2 Type=0x47,2 Type=0x48,2 Type=0x49,2 Type=0x4a,2 Type=0x4b,2 Type=0x4c,2 Type=0x4d,2 Type=0x4e,2 Type=0x4f,2 Type=0x50,2 Type=0x51,2 Type=0x52,2 Type=0x53,2 Type=0x54,2 Type=0x55,2 Type=0x56,2 Type=0x57,2 Type=0x58,2 Type=0x59,2 Type=0x5a,2 Type=0x5b,2 Type=0x5c,2 Type=0x5d,2 Type=0x5e,2 Type=0x5f,2 [end] ;===================== POLYGONS ======================== [_polygon] Type=0x02 ;NA? think its better to have this as default/invisible as, unlike residential, doesn't disappear at high resolution String=Suburb Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #FFE3E3" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x03 String=Village Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #FFE3E3" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x08 ; String=Shopping Center FontStyle=SmallFont Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #FF9966" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x0f String=Commercial Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #FFE3E3" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x10 String=Residential Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #FFE3E3" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x11 String=Danger Area Xpm="32 32 2 1" "/ c #FF0000" " c none" "//////// //////// " "/////// //////// /" "////// //////// //" "///// //////// ///" "//// //////// ////" "/// //////// /////" "// //////// //////" "/ //////// ///////" " //////// ////////" " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " "//////// //////// " "/////// //////// /" "////// //////// //" "///// //////// ///" "//// //////// ////" "/// //////// /////" "// //////// //////" "/ //////// ///////" " //////// ////////" " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " ; "12345678901234567890123456789012" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x12 String=Retail Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #FFE3E3" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x13 String=Building FontStyle=SmallFont Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #FF9966" [end] ;[_polygon] ;Type=0x15 ;String=Village Green ;[end] [_polygon] Type=0x16 String=Nature Reserve Xpm="32 32 2 1" "/ c #00FF00" " c none" "///// //////// ///" "//// //////// ////" "/// //////// /////" "// //////// //////" "/ //////// ///////" " //////// ////////" " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " "//////// //////// " "/////// //////// /" "////// //////// //" "///// //////// ///" "//// //////// ////" "/// //////// /////" "// //////// //////" "/ //////// ///////" " //////// ////////" " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " " //////// //////// " "//////// //////// " "/////// //////// /" "////// //////// //" ; "12345678901234567890123456789012" [end] ;[_polygon] ;Type=0x17 ;String=Park ;[end] ;[_polygon] ;Type=0x1c ;String=Meadow ; also greenfield, farmland, grass ; however greenfield really means "new land ear-marked for development" ;[end] ;[_polygon] ;Type=0x1d ;String=Common ;[end] ;[_polygon] ;Type=0x1e ;String=Recreation Ground ;[end] ;[_polygon] ;Type=0x1f ;String=Playground ;[end] ;[_polygon] ;Type=0x20 ;String=Garden ;[end] ;[_polygon] ;Type=0x21 ;String=Tourism ;Xpm="0 0 1 0" ; "a c #CCFFFF" ;[end] [_polygon] Type=0x22 String=Historic FontStyle=SmallFont Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #FFCC99" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x23 String=Amenity FontStyle=SmallFont Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #FFCC99" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x24 String=Man Made FontStyle=SmallFont Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #FF99CC" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x25 String=Square String1=0x01,Place String2=0x02,Platz String3=0x03,Markt String5=0x05,Piazza String8=0x08,Plaza FontStyle=SmallFont Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #FFCCFF" ; slightly pink-ish [end] [_polygon] Type=0x26 String=Farm/yard FontStyle=SmallFont Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #FFE3E3" [end] ;[_polygon] ;Type=0x2a ;String=Water Park ; default is Area/Blue ;[end] ;[_polygon] ;Type=0x3 ;String=Swimming Pool ; default is Area/Blue ;[end] [_polygon] Type=0x3d String=Bay FontStyle=LargeFont ; transparent Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ; "12345678901234567890123456789012" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x56 String=Island/Islet FontStyle=LargeFont Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ; "12345678901234567890123456789012" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x58 String=County FontStyle=LargeFont Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ; "12345678901234567890123456789012" ;====================== LINES =========================== [_line] Type=0x11 String=Cycleway UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 2 2 1" "- c #00FF00" " c #000000" "------ ------ ------ ------ " "------ ------ ------ ------ " ; "12345678901234567890123456789012" [end] [_line] Type=0x27 ;String=Runway LineWidth=2 ; might need to play with width. etrex HCx does narrow line BorderWidth=0 Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #000000" [end] [_line] Type=0x2a String=Bridge ; lines either side of transparent UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 6 2 1" "- c #000000" " c none" "--------------------------------" " " " " " " " " "--------------------------------" ; "12345678901234567890123456789012" [end] [_line] Type=0x2d String=Barrier LineWidth=1 BorderWidth=0 ; thin black line Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #000000" [end] [_line] Type=0x2e String=Course of old Railway UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "+ c #999999" " c none" " + + + + " " + + + + " " ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++" " + + + + " " + + + + " ; "12345678901234567890123456789012" [end] [_line] Type=0x2f String=Race Track ; white line with black border LineWidth=1 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "l c #FFFFFF" "b c #000000" [end] ;====================== POINTS ========================== ; that's it