
yes, I generate boundaries from the extract. But I only care for completeness of level2 as it has the greatest impact on my index. Of course I use all levels in generating index but missing a few city/county boundaries is not a big deal. Unfortunately, generating full boundary files for whole Europe is an overkill.

best regards

Michal Rogala

2014-04-07 14:50 GMT+02:00 WanMil <wmgcnfg@web.de>:
Hi Michal,

do you generate the boundaries from the extracts that you use to compile the map?

In such a case not only the level 2 boundaries are incomplete. It's also probable that all levels have some incomplete boundaries when they cross the missing area.



I have a suggestion for additional functionality of mkgmap. It would be
great if it was possible to provide separate directory with level 2
boundaries. Very often I need to create an OSM extract that covers parts
of a few countries in Europe - level2 boundaries generated from such
extract are incomplete and therefore country assignment for POIs/streets
doesn't work.

To solve such problem I could generate boundaries for whole Europe, but
only for level2 and add/merge it with local boundaries.

best regards

Michal Rogala

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