Many thanks Steve, it's working now. The problem was the operator needing to be ~> instead of =>.

The space after the dot in the pattern was intentional - in my example of "A.B. Street" I did it in two steps, firstly to "A.B Street" and secondly from there to "A B Street". I was doing that because I wanted to avoid double spaces, but now I know that is taken care of later, things are a simpler.




On 2014-05-25 12:49, Steve Ratcliffe wrote:

On 25/05/14 11:14, Colin Smale wrote:
I am trying to normalise street names by removing any dots. So far I have been unable to get the subst function to do what I want. The problem seems to be getting the dot to be taken literally in the subst parameters. I have tried: a) set newname='${name|subst:. +=> }'
Originally subst was a straight forward string replacement. So

  ${name|subst:.=> }

would replace each dot with a space. Also because multiple spaces are
combined into one elsewhere this actually has the effect you want in
this case.

Regular expressions were added later and you need to use ~> instead
of => to indicate this.  So this will work:

  ${name|subst:\.+~> }

It may just be an email formating issue, but in your email there is a
space after the '.'; make sure that there isn't one in your style

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