explain what you see.
> Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 23:50:42 +0200
> From: email@mipri.de
> To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
> Subject: [mkgmap-dev] Wrong "Object Class" displayed in Mapsource
> Hello,
> I am creating my own map with mkgmap and am using it on an eTrex Vista
> HCx and with Mapsource.
> In Mapsource, when the mouse pointer is moved over an object (like a
> road, a building or another POI) and the right mouse button is pressed,
> a context menu appears listing anything under the pointer.
> If there is no other polygon (like forest, residential, ...) than the
> "empty" background under the mouse pointer, Mapsource lists the
> background as "Hospital". Please see
> http://www.mipri.de/dl/background.png for an example.
> "Kartenmerkmal - Straße" is correct, but "Krankenhaus - Unbekanntes
> Gebiet" ("Hospital - Unknown area") is not.
> In my TYP file I am using 0x4b for the background, while my style (like
> the default style) is assigning 0x0b to hospitals. I don't know if there
> is any relation, but some days ago Gerd wrote:
> > the code changed the background type 0x4b to 0x0b. I find this
> > also in the trunk version and in the current code of the display
> > tool, so I am not sure why this happens.
> Could it have to do with this?
> There are other cases where the labels in Mapsource are wrong:
> If I am putting the mouse over a "real" hospital, the building gets
> listed as "Marine", see http://www.mipri.de/dl/hospital.png. In this
> case "Krankenhaus - Chirurgische Klinik" is correct,
> "Marine - Chrirurgische Klinik" is not.
> Something similar happens with forests, but only if there is no "wood"
> key defined. In this case, they are listed as "Autoservices - Wald"
> ("Car repair - Forest") as in http://www.mipri.de/dl/wood.png.
> The examples were taken near the University of Ulm, Germany, but it
> could be elsewhere. The mouse pointer did not get captured in my
> screenshots, it was at the position in the upper left corner of the
> popup menu.
> These wrong labels seem to appear only in Mapsource, I did not see them
> on my GPS yet.
> Any ideas what could be going wrong here?
> Thanks,
> Michael
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