You need the –tdbfile option as well if you are using mapsource – this
creates the essential mdx and mdr files.
If the mdr file is missing the Find Place will be greyed out.
I use mkgmap 2373 with the default-style. My Optionfile
is: family-name=TEST series-name=TEST description=TEST bounds=\Gps\Data\ country-name=Deutschland country-abbr=DEU region-name=Deutschland region-abbr=DEU name-tag-list=name:de,int_name,name:en,name index route net nsis area-name=Germany road-name-pois=0x2f15 draw-priority=20 reduce-point-density=2.6 reduce-point-density-polygon=1.2 merge-lines remove-short-arcs
latin1 levels=0:24,1:23,2:22,3:21,4:20,5:19,6:17 max-jobs The Commandline is:
java -Xmx1500M -jar p:\gps\bin\mkgmap\mkgmap.jar -c mkgmap.opt -c
input-files OSM-Data are a little part
from the germany_20121118.osm.pbf (splitted in 63240001.img ...
63240008.img) All is fine but i expected,
that in Mapsource the Menu "Find place" (in german "Orte suchen") is usable. But
this is greyed out. I don't find my mistake. Have you everywhere a simple
example for that or is that an error in mkgmap?
With best
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