Sorry for bringing this back up - I'm having problems converting tiff to .hgt. - how can I run a script that converts all geotiff (not 25m resolution but 30m) in folder /home/example/ to .hgt?
Basically I want to fill the voids in SRTM1v30 and need to convert .hgt to tiff as gdal and then get them back to hgt.
so first I simply run:
for hgtfile in *.hgt;do -md 500 $hgtfile $hgtfile.tif; done
which will voildfill all .hgt files but gdal created rubbish (at least if I feed it to phyghtmap) if I try to simply voildfill hgt and have output also as hgt. So I need to convert them back to hgt before I can hand them over to pyhghtmap.
It should work vs a folder of the whole world 60N/60S.
Best in bash if possible, but perl is also fine if I understand the steps (I downloaded the SRTM1 from earthexplorer as .hgt - or better I will have them in a couple of days, download is pretty slow even though it is only 85GB zipped...)