
2009/7/29 Greg Troxel <gdt@ir.bbn.com>
Here's an example of what I'm talking about:


yes, exactly this is what i want to have on my Garmin - without kidding. Better TOPO maps (for example TOPO 3 Pro Czech) have all buildings. You can guess where you can go by foot - usefull for Geocaching :].


[I am still trying to get maps of mass made, and my first step after
that is to tweak unnamed buildings down in importance or out.]

i think good point should be to create two 'official' styles, CityNavigator and TOPO. There are plenty of useless thing in default style for road navigation and few missing things for TOPO.
What do you think?

S pozdravem/Best regards
Bc. Ondrej Novy

Email: novy@ondrej.org
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