there was an ID conflict. OSM Data reach Node-ID 10000000000. That was the start node ID in my SRTM data. I build the SRTM with new start node id 1099511627776. Thats works fine.
Hi Arndt,
I guess this was related to the SRTM data?
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 14. September 2022 15:25
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: [mkgmap-dev] Error: Node ids are not sorted.
HI @all,
Splitter recently reports the following error:
Error: Node ids are not sorted. Use e.g. osmosis to sort the input data.
I use the OSM-Data from Geofabrik. Older OSM Data from there works fine. Is that a temporally problem from Geofabrik or did they change anything?
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