On 17.10.2012 18:01, GerdP wrote:
		int roundedMinLon = roundDown(b.getMinLong(), shift);
		int roundedMaxLon = roundDown(b.getMaxLong(), shift);

Both the min and the max value are rounded down. This looks wrong.
Similar problem with the latitude values:
		int roundedMinLat = roundUp(minLat, shift);
		int roundedMaxLat = roundUp(maxLat, shift);
thanks, I changed it to the following - and now it works. I think someone should have a look at it, and check it in, as it makes much more sense....

		int roundedMinLon = roundDown(b.getMinLong(), shift);
		int roundedMaxLon = roundUp(b.getMaxLong(), shift);

		int roundedMinLat = roundDown(minLat, shift);
		int roundedMaxLat = roundUp(maxLat, shift);

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