Steve Ratcliffe wrote:

On 12/08/09 08:52, Felix Hartmann wrote:
How comes that the newest mkgmap versions write in information into the
last level, instead of leaving it empty?

What tool is showing you that it is not empty?

I have run a quick test on the latest and it looks empty:

RgnDisplay output:

--------- Level 5, Subdiv 1 ------------------------------
          |        |                         | final at 1d, (end 0)
--------- Level 4, Subdiv 1 ------------------------------

mkgmap-dev mailing list
I have maps with level 0-4 while level 5 should be empty, set via "resolution xx" in the style-file (24,22,20,18,16). the overview map contains points only, no lines (verified with gpsmapedit and mp text). Nevertheless can I see motorways and coastlines in Mapsource (detail medium) from 50-120km, while it should be empty as the lowest resolution I have set in the style-file is 16. 50-120km is however resolution 15 (zoom=5 for mapsource).

Opening the .img in gpsmapedit shows me that level 5 is the last level at resolution 15. Now having an empty overview map and seeing motorways and coastline in level 15 in Mapsource I have to assume that the last level is not empty (otherwise I could not see it in Mapsource).

I got notice of the problem when I wanted to show srtm contourlines with my maps  in Mapsource. As usual I connected all *.img (my mkgmap produced maps and the contourline maps) by tdb/overview image. The contourlines have higher map-id and higher name. Usually therefore you would expect contourlines to show above any polygon of the map *.img. Due to the last level not empty bug I assume (can't find any other problem) the contourlines are drawn below the polygons, and therefore invisible if I set background polygon 0x4b in typfile. If no typfile is used they are still behind all polygons (so invisible in forests, cities, ....).

You can try if you find any other error:
maps are here:
contourlines here: