No they haven't changed the img format, what they did is that for years they designed the maps in layout for desktop size displays, and finally discovered maps should be much higher contrast on small displays. So they introduced (already sind 2-3 years) a high contrast layout that is more and more independent of the .typ-file layout. Since the newest update this is even more noticeable.

It can be deactivated by selecting classic map design or similar. While high contrast or mountainbike or whatever will use the new layout.

On Tue, 13 Jul 2021 at 04:44, ET Commands <> wrote:
I'm not sure if my message is relevant to this discussion list or not.

I own an Edge 1030 and I use mkgmap to make custom maps for it. Recently
Garmin provided a firmware update for the 1030 (ver. 12.0).  After I
installed it none of my custom POI symbols appear on the map.  In
addition, the default Garmin POI symbols have been updated by Garmin. 
All my custom line and polygon symbols still display.  I saw comments
from some users in the Garmin forums that TOPO maps will no longer work
with the firmware update either.

It appears Garmin may have revised the format of their IMG files, if
only slightly.  I don't know if this affects all Garmin models or only
certain ones.


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Felix Hartman - &