Has  mkgmap  a option, which write's the record 0x52 in tdb-file ? My maps have in Mapsource all the entry 'Overview map' . But i will for example 'Kanaren' or any other countryname. I have testet followings option without success: -region-name=anywhat ;-country.name= anywhat; -description= anywhat. I use -index to create the tdb-file. I can use a hexeditor to change  tdb- file- record 0x52. But this is not a preferable way. i must recalculate a CRC 32 checksum for record 0x54.

By the way: i found a error in the tdb-file, created with mkgmap r3650 : it prints in the copyright-section :....Map created with mkgmap -r3336...; It should bee updated to ..r3650

Regards thomas