
Using JOSM and working with data that other people are also working with is a recipe for disaster. Resolving the inevitable conflicts that will arise is tedious and complicated. I have spent hours resolving conflicts made by "the other user" only to find out later that it was _my own data_ I was working against. The method you're trying to use will only work well if you're the only person modifying the data in that particular part of the world.

Another possibility is to download smaller areas to work in which will keep the number of edits down. That way you won't have thousands of conflicts when you do get Internet again. And if you do, you won't lose much work. 

Not very satisfying I'm afraid but working with a live Internet connection is by far the best option. 

On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 9:42 PM, greg crago <> wrote:
I have thousands of map errors I have collected on my GPS from ground observations. I just have not had time to upload them to OSM. I do not have Internet access all the time.

Downloading many states and then breaking them up using a 'splitter-type' program, gives me the flexibility to edit sections of the country I want to.

I thought UPLOAD conflicts only occur when objects I HAVE MODIFIED, conflict with objects in the OSM database that have been modified since I download MY VERSION. If I have large areas of 'outdated' OSM data, that I do not modify, I should not have any problems when I upload, since I am not sending that 'untouched' data back to OSM, correct?

I thought this was a viable 'offline' solution. I do not know how to filter overpass to download state-by-state regions. GEOFABRIK has already done this, if SPLITTER kept the version dataset information., I could use it.


On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Nelson A. de Oliveira <> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 5:44 PM, greg crago <> wrote:
> I want to download sections of the osm database (USA- Michigan) and make off
> line changes in JOSM and upload back to OSM when I am back online.

Will you edit the whole state?
Do you really need to have all of it?

Editing large areas and a lot of objects isn't usually the best thing
to do: it can cause duplicate data in OSM and/or you will hit a lot of

overpass is the easiest way to get fresh data, but you need to filter
a smaller region or some specific data that you want.
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Homer, Alaska
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