

When testing the IS_IN function I get very nice results ! Thank you very much for this improvement.

Could somebody help me to explain why a certain pedestrian is not catched by the rules?

Also not a big deal, I’m already happy wit the current results, it is just for understanding.

I am  using pedestrian streets without an outline if crossing pedestrian areas. 95% works perfectly but some seem to fool me.





(The red lines are nicely replaced in the after situation, but the blue one is not)


highway = pedestrian & jbmsquare != true & is_in(highway,pedestrian, any) = true    [0x10d0c resolution 24 continue]


area: München Viktualienmarkt: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/48.13504/11.57637

pedestrian :  https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/240014256

square: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/7431621#map=19/48.13512/11.57670








Met vriendelijke groet,


Joris Bo
