Hi Patrik,
yes, the problem is the wrong bounding box in the downloaded file.
I don't know why it says that it spans to 180, because there is no node
between -129 and 180. Because of that and the option --no-trim
splitter would have to write huge empty tiles, that's why it stops.
I think you should contact geofabrik, besides that you can use
osmconvert to correct the bbox like this:
osmconvert.exe -b=-180,49.8,-129,73 alaska-latest.osm.pbf -o=alaska-correct.osm.pbf
or use the poly file from the geofabrik download page.
Ahh, sorry, I just noticed that the file alaska.osm.pbf is small.
The problem is here is that the bounding box spans from -180 to 180,
but this box is most empty. I have to run splitter now to find the details.
It works without --no-trim, probably also with an appropriate polygon file.
Does that help?
Hi Patrik,
Warning: No solution found for partition (49.7900390625,-179.9560546875) to (73.828125,180.0) with 6'702'717 nodes
uk.me.parabola.splitter.SplitFailedException: Failed to find a correct split
at uk.me.parabola.splitter.SplittableDensityArea.split(SplittableDensityArea.java:152)
at uk.me.parabola.splitter.SplittableDensityArea.split(SplittableDensityArea.java:196)
at uk.me.parabola.splitter.Main.calculateAreas(Main.java:645)
at uk.me.parabola.splitter.Main.split(Main.java:258)
at uk.me.parabola.splitter.Main.start(Main.java:187)
at uk.me.parabola.splitter.Main.main(Main.java:157)
java -Xmx1536M -jar D:/fzk/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/tools/splitter/splitter.jar --max-threads=2 --geonames-file=D:/fzk/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/cities/c
ities15000.zip --no-trim --precomp-sea=D:/fzk/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/sea --keep-complete=true --mapid=98200001 --max-nodes=800000 --output=xml --output-dir=D:/fzk/develop/fzk
-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA D:/fzk/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA.osm.pbf
PS Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung> .\tools\osmconvert\windows\osmconvert.exe .\work\Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA\Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA.osm.pbf --out-statisticsInteresting to mention:
timestamp min: 2007-06-05T03:23:59Z
timestamp max: 2016-03-23T05:41:43Z
lon min: -180.0000000
lon max: -122.5122525
lat min: 48.6234931
lat max: 71.6061501
nodes: 4360214
ways: 185550
relations: 2245
node id min: 27207079
node id max: 4072166815
way id min: 4708608
way id max: 404980503
relation id min: 13971
relation id max: 6033189
keyval pairs max: 310
keyval pairs max object: relation 60189
noderefs max: 2000
noderefs max object: way 42394334
relrefs max: 681
relrefs max object: relation 3337277
PS Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung>