Hi Klaus,

thanks for testing :-)

> Questions:
> - Do you save the automatic generated problem list somewhere ?
No, but this could be done. What do you want to do with it?

> - Why is relation 1239458 (Vänern) not listet in the output of problem
> relations ?
Splitter doesn't print problem relations or ways as long as they are complete.
Note that you typically have thousands of such problem polygons.

> - Is a user defined list of problematic relations still required ?
No, it is not, but if specified it will be added to the calculated list. I can't think of any situation where this is needed for now.

> - How to interpret this ?
> Number of stored relations: 15573
> starting to resolve relations containing problem relations
> loop in relation: 2225942 0 2202824
> Adding parent rel to problem list: 1163198
> Adding parent rel to problem list: 280016

At this place it means:
- The input file contains 15573 relations.
- Relation 2225942 is part of a loop. A quick look shows that 2225942 contains tow times the relation 2202824 (which is not really a loop, but also probable not wanted).
  This is just an information for you, splitter doesn't care.
- Relation 1163198 is a relation that was not detected as a problem relation, but contains a problem relation. I am yet not what to do with these, because mkgmap
 doesn't yet handle relation->relation

A little bit later in the log you should find something like this (my example is from canada.osm.pbf:
Stats for MultiTileProcessor pass 2 endMap Pass2 end
SparseBitSet multiTileRels 3359 (60120  bytes)
SparseBitSet neededWays 173864 (1991440  bytes)
SparseBitSet neededNodes 6660280 (38893960  bytes)
The three numbers tell you : 3359 relations are problem cases and  173864 ways (many of them members of the problem rels)
Splitter has to collect the coordinates of 6660280  nodes to calculate the details.

> ...
> - And how to interpret that ?
> Sorry, data for relation 949772 is incomplete
> Sorry, data for relation 949771 is incomplete
> Sorry, data for relation 1059668 is incomplete

These three relations are in the list of problem relations, but the input file doesn't contain all needed information.

> ...
> Regards Klaus
> PS: I will continue testing with "--overlap=0".
> --
> View this message in context: http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.com/splitter-that-generates-problem-list-tp5734014p5734066.html
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