[_id] ProductCode=1 FID=8899 CodePage=1252 [End] ;=========== COMMENTAIRES ====== [_comments] [End] ;=========== POLYGONES : PRIORITE DANS L'AFFICHAGE ====== [_drawOrder] Type=0x10100,1 Type=0x002,2 Type=0x003,2 Type=0x00c,2 Type=0x00d,2 Type=0x00e,2 Type=0x007,3 Type=0x008,3 Type=0x032,3 Type=0x04f,3 Type=0x050,3 Type=0x00a,4 Type=0x00b,4 Type=0x10f00,4 Type=0x014,4 Type=0x015,4 Type=0x017,4 Type=0x018,4 Type=0x021,4 Type=0x036,4 Type=0x04e,4 Type=0x052,4 Type=0x004,5 Type=0x010,5 Type=0x019,5 Type=0x01a,5 Type=0x01b,5 Type=0x01c,5 Type=0x01d,5 Type=0x01e,5 Type=0x033,5 Type=0x034,5 Type=0x04d,5 Type=0x051,5 Type=0x005,6 Type=0x006,6 Type=0x009,6 Type=0x020,6 Type=0x035,6 Type=0x037,6 Type=0x03d,6 Type=0x053,6 Type=0x00f,7 Type=0x011,7 Type=0x012,7 Type=0x013,7 Type=0x016,7 Type=0x01f,7 [End] ;===================== POLYGONES ======================== [_polygon] Type=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Urban Areas/SMALL_CITY/Small urban area, less than 200 000 inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x02,Stadt ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #F3F3F3" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Urban Areas/TOWN/Urban area, less than 50 000 inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x02,Stadt ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #F3F3F3" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/MILITARY_BASE/Military base area/Non NT String1=0x02,Gefängnis ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #949494" " c none" " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/PARKING_LOT/Parking lot area/Non NT String1=0x02,Parken ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #0066FF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!###!!!!!###!!!!!###!!!!!###!!" "!!!#!#!!!!!#!#!!!!!#!#!!!!!#!#!!" "!!!###!!!!!###!!!!!###!!!!!###!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!###!!!!!###!!!!!###!!!!!###!!" "!!!#!#!!!!!#!#!!!!!#!#!!!!!#!#!!" "!!!###!!!!!###!!!!!###!!!!!###!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!###!!!!!###!!!!!###!!!!!###!!" "!!!#!#!!!!!#!#!!!!!#!#!!!!!#!#!!" 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"!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/AIRPORT/Airport area/Non NT String1=0x02,Flughafen ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #D5D5D5" "# c #C5C5C5" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!###!!!!!!!!!!!!!###!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!###!!!!!!!!!!!!!###!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!###!!!!!!!!!!!!!###!!!!!!!!" "!#!!#####!!#!!!!!#!!#####!!#!!!!" "!#!#######!#!!!!!#!#######!#!!!!" "!!##!###!##!!!!!!!##!###!##!!!!!" "!##!!!#!!!##!!!!!##!!!#!!!##!!!!" "##!!!!#!!!!##!!!##!!!!#!!!!##!!!" "!!!!!###!!!!!!!!!!!!!###!!!!!!!!" "!!!!#####!!!!!!!!!!!#####!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!###!!!!!!!!!!!!!###!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!###!!!!!!!!!!!!!###!!!!!!!!" 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"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/SHOPPING_AREA/Shopping area/Non NT String1=0x02,Einkaufszone ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #FFAFAF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/MARINA/Marina area/Non NT String1=0x02,Bad ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #0065FF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/COLLEGE/College or university area/Non NT String1=0x02,Bildungseinrichtung ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF9500 Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FFDF5C" "# c #00CA00" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!###!!!!!!!!!!!!!###!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!####!!!!!!!!!!!!####!!!!!" "!!!!!!##!##!!!!!!!!!!!##!##!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!###!!!!!!!!!!!!!###!!!!" 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"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/HOSPITAL/Hospital area/Non NT String1=0x02,Krankenhaus ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!" 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"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x0d ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/RESERVATION/Reservation/Non NT String1=0x02,Brache ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #D5D5D5" "# c #FFFFFF" "!######!#######!!######!#######!" "#!##!####!####!##!##!####!####!#" "#!!##########!###!!##########!##" "#!!!##!#####!####!!!##!#####!###" "#!!#!######!#####!!#!######!####" "#!!#!#####!######!!#!#####!#####" "#!!#!!#!#!!######!!#!!#!#!!#####" "#!!#!!!!!#!!#####!!#!!!!!#!!####" "#!!!!!!!!!!!!####!!!!!!!!!!!!###" "#!!!!!!!!!!!!####!!!!!!!!!!!!###" "#!!#!!##!!!!!####!!#!!##!!!!!###" "#!!#!!##!##!!####!!#!!##!##!!###" "#!!!!!!!!!!!!####!!!!!!!!!!!!###" "#!!!!!!!!!!!!!###!!!!!!!!!!!!!##" "#!############!##!############!#" "!##############!!##############!" "!######!#######!!######!#######!" 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"!!!!!#####!!!!!!!!!!!#####!!!!!!" "!!!#########!!!!!!!#########!!!!" "!#############!!!#############!!" "!#############!!!#############!!" "!!#!!##!##!!#!!!!!#!!##!##!!#!!!" "!!#!!##!##!!#!!!!!#!!##!##!!#!!!" "!!####!!#####!!!!!####!!#####!!!" "!!####!!#####!!!!!####!!#####!!!" "!!####!!#####!!!!!####!!#####!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!###!!!!!!!!!!!!!###!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#####!!!!!!!!!!!#####!!!!!!" "!!!#########!!!!!!!#########!!!!" "!#############!!!#############!!" "!#############!!!#############!!" "!!#!!##!##!!#!!!!!#!!##!##!!#!!!" "!!#!!##!##!!#!!!!!#!!##!##!!#!!!" "!!####!!#####!!!!!####!!#####!!!" "!!####!!#####!!!!!####!!#####!!!" "!!####!!#####!!!!!####!!#####!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x0f ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,im Bau ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #B4B4B4" " c none" " " " " " ! ! " " !!!! !!!! " " !!! !!! " " !! !! " " !!! !!! " " !!! ! !!! ! " " ! !!! !!! ! !!! !!! " " !!!! !!! !!!! !!! " " !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! !!! !!!! !! !!! " "!!!!!! !! !! !!!!!! !! !! " "!!!!!! ! ! !!!!!! ! ! " " " " " " " " " " ! ! " " !!!! !!!! " " !!! !!! " " !! !! " " !!! !!! " " !!! ! !!! ! " " ! !!! !!! ! !!! !!! " " !!!! !!! !!!! !!! " " !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! !!! !!!! !! !!! " "!!!!!! !! !! !!!!!! !! !! " "!!!!!! ! ! !!!!!! ! ! " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x10 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Gewächshäuser ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7BFF00 Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #F6FFCF" "# c #8FB300" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!#!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!#!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!#!#!!!!!!!!#!#!!#!#!!!!" "!!!#!######!#!!!!!!#!######!#!!!" "!!#!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!#!!" "!!!##########!!!!!!##########!!!" "!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!" "!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!" "!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!" "!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!" "!!!##########!!!!!!##########!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!#!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!#!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!#!#!!!!!!!!#!#!!#!#!!!!" "!!!#!######!#!!!!!!#!######!#!!!" "!!#!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!#!!" "!!!##########!!!!!!##########!!!" "!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!" "!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!" "!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!" "!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!!!!#!!#!!#!!#!!!" "!!!##########!!!!!!##########!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x11 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Deponie ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#00CA00 Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #E6E6E6" "# c #D5D5D5" "!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!##!!!!##!!!!!!!!##!!!!##!!!" "!##!!!!!!!!##!!!!##!!!!!!!!##!!!" "!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!##!!!!!##!!!!!!!##!!!!!##!" "!!!!!!##!!!!!##!!!!!!!##!!!!!##!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "##!!!!!!!!##!!!!##!!!!!!!!##!!!!" "##!!!!!!!!##!!!!##!!!!!!!!##!!!!" "!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!" "!!!##!!##!!!!!!!!!!##!!##!!!!!!!" "!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!##!!!##!!!!!!!!!##!!!##" "!!!!!!!!!##!!!##!!!!!!!!!##!!!##" "!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!##!!!!##!!!!!!!!##!!!!##!!!" "!##!!!!!!!!##!!!!##!!!!!!!!##!!!" 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"!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x13 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/GENERIC_MANMADE/Other or generic manmade area, such as a building/Non NT String1=0x02,Gebäude String2=0x04,building ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #E6E6E6" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x14 ;GRMN_TYPE: Park Areas/NATIONAL_PARK_MAJOR/Large or major national park/Non NT String1=0x02,Grundstück ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FFCFCF" " c none" " " " " " " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " " " " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " " " " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " " " " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " " " " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " " " " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " " " " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " " " " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x15 ;GRMN_TYPE: Park Areas/NATIONAL_PARK/National park/Non NT String1=0x02,Heide ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#00CA00 Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #F6FFCF" "# c #8FB300" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!" "!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!" "!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!" "!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!" "!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!" "!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!" "!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!" 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"!###!!!!!!!!!!!!!###!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x19 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/SPORTS_COMPLEX/Sports arena or stadium/Non NT String1=0x02,Sport ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #BD958B" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x1a ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/CEMETARY/Cemetary/Non NT String1=0x02,Friedhof ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #E6E6E6" "# c #101010" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" 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"!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!####!!!!!!!!!!!!####!!!!!!!" "!!!!######!!!!!!!!!!######!!!!!!" "!!!!######!!!!!!!!!!######!!!!!!" "!!!!!####!!!!!!!!!!!!####!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!####!!!!!!!!!!!!####!!!!!!!" "!!!!######!!!!!!!!!!######!!!!!!" "!!!!######!!!!!!!!!!######!!!!!!" "!!!!!####!!!!!!!!!!!!####!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x1c ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Bahngelände ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #E6E6E6" "# c #D5D5D5" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#####!!!!!!!!!!!#####!!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#####!!!!!!!!!!!#####!!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#####!!!!!!!!!!!#####!!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#####!!!!!!!!!!!#####!!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#####!!!!!!!!!!!#####!!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#####!!!!!!!!!!!#####!!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!" 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"!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#" "#!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!#" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x1e ;GRMN_TYPE: Park Areas/STATE_PARK_MAJOR/Large or major state park/Non NT String1=0x02,Museum ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #E6E6E6" "# c #B30000" "!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!###!!!!!!!!!!!!!###!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#####!!!!!!!!!!!#####!!!!!!!!!!" "#######!!!!!!!!!#######!!!!!!!!!" "!#!#!#!!!!!!!!!!!#!#!#!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!###!!!!!!!!!!!#!###!!!!!!!!!!" "!#####!!!!!!!!!!!#####!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!###!!!!!!!!!!!!!###!!!!!!!!!!!" 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" " " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " ! ! ! !" " " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x20 ;GRMN_TYPE: Park Areas/STATE_PARK_OTHER/Small or misc sized state park/Non NT String1=0x02,Stadion ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#396500 Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #B37D59" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x21 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x04,pedestrian ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF9500 Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FFCA00" "# c #000041" "!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#" "#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!" "!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#" "#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!" "!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#" "#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!" "!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#" "#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!" "!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#" "#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!" "!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#" "#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!" 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"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x35 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Tiere ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FFF1B8" "# c #B34700" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!#!###!!!!!!!!!!!#!###!!!!" "!!!!##!!!!###!!!!!!!##!!!!###!!!" "!!!##!!#!!!!##!!!!!##!!#!!!!##!!" "!!##!!!!!!!!!!#!!!##!!!!!!!!!!#!" "!##!!!!!##!!!!##!##!!!!!##!!!!##" "!#!!######!!!!!!!#!!######!!!!!!" "!#!!#!!!!##!!!!!!#!!#!!!!##!!!!!" "!####!!!!!##!!!!!####!!!!!##!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!#!###!!!!!!!!!!!#!###!!!!" 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"!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x36 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Wiese ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FFFFFF Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #F6FFCF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x37 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Tierpark ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #B34700" "# c #FFF1B8" "!###!###########!###!###########" "#!#!!############!#!!###########" "##!###############!#############" "#!!!!!###########!!!!!##########" "!!###!!#########!!###!!#########" "#!####!##########!####!#########" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "!###!###########!###!###########" "#!#!!############!#!!###########" "##!###############!#############" "#!!!!!###########!!!!!##########" "!!###!!#########!!###!!#########" "#!####!##########!####!#########" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x3d ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Areas/LAKE_30MI, LARGE_LAKE/Large lake, typically between 30 and 500 sq mi in area/Non NT String1=0x02,Strand ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0000D5 Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FFE88A" "# c #FF8F45" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x4d ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/GLACIER/Large area of compacted snow and ice/Non NT String1=0x02,Gletscher ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #CFFFF6" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x4e ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/ORCHARD/Orchard or plantation area/Non NT String1=0x02,Schrebergärten ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#00CA00 Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #D4FFB8" "# c #F6FFCF" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "#!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!##" "##!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!#" "###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "#!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!##" "##!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!#" "###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "#!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!##" "##!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!#" "###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "#!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!##" "##!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!#" "###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "#!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!##" "##!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!#" "###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "#!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!##" "##!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!#" "###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "#!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!##" "##!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!#" "###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "#!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!##" "##!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!#" "###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x4f ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/SCRUB/Scrub brush area/Non NT String1=0x02,Buschland ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FFFFFF Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #F6FFCF" "# c #8FB300" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!#!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!##!!!!!!!!!!!!#!##!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!##!!!!!!!!!!!!#!##!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!" "!##!!#!!!!!!!!!!!##!!#!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!#!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!#!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!##!!!!!!!!!!!!#!##!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!##!!!!!!!!!!!!#!##!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!" "!##!!#!!!!!!!!!!!##!!#!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x50 ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/WOODS/Wooded or forested area/Non NT String1=0x02,Wald ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FFFFFF Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #EDFFA1" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x51 ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/WETLAND/Wetland or swamp area/Non NT String1=0x02,Sumpf ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #B8FFD4" "# c #CFE2FF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x52 ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/TUNDRA/Area of nearly always freezing soil/Non NT String1=0x02,Grasland ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FFFFFF Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #F6FFCF" "# c #8FB300" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x53 ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/FLAT/Sand, tidal, mud, etc. flat area/Non NT String1=0x04,water ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0000D5 Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #8AB9FF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x10100 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Land ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #FFFFEE" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x10f00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Areas/CUSTOMIZABLE_AREA_1/Customizable area/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Spielplatz ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF9500 Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FFCC00" " c none" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] ;====================== LINES =========================== [_line] Type=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/INTERSTATE, MAJOR_HWY/Primary, divided, limited-access highway, akin to an interstate in the US/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 7 2 1" "! c #00CA00" " c none" " ! " " !! " " !!! " " !!!!!!!!!! " " !!! " " !! " " ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,opposite ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/PRINCIPAL_HWY/Principal highway, usually divided and limited access, akin to US highways/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 7 2 1" "! c #BD0000" " c none" " ! " " !! " " !!! " " !!!!!!!!! " " !!! " " !! " " ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,1way ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/OTHER_HWY/Other highway road, akin to a state highway in the US/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #7B0000" " c none" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,bad ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/LOW_SPEED_RAMP/Highway ramp which is to be driven at low speeds/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,link ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#525252 [end] [_line] Type=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/UNPAVED_ROAD/Gravel or dirt road/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 [end] [_line] Type=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/ROUNDABOUT/Roundabout/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,roundabout ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 [end] [_line] Type=0x0e ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_ROUTE_LINE_2/Routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF3000 [end] [_line] Type=0x10 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_ROUTE_LINE_4/Routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0000FF [end] [_line] Type=0x11 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_ROUTE_LINE_5/Routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#00CA00 [end] [_line] Type=0x12 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_ROUTE_LINE_6/Routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x15 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Line Types/SHORELINE/Shoreline of water body (typically only used when a water area is not available)/Non NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #CFE2FF" "2 c #000000" String1=0x02,Küste ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#3995FF [end] [_line] Type=0x16 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/TRAIL/Walkway or trail/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 6 2 1" "! c #737373" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!#!###!#!!#!!!" "###!##!!###########!#!!!####!###" "###!####!!!#!###########!!##!###" "!!!#!!#!###!#!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!#!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,_____ ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x1a ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/INTERNATIONAL_FERRY/Major water or rail ferry/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x1b ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/FERRY/Water or rail ferry/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x1c ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Borders/MJR_PLTCL_BDRY/Major political boundary (typically used for state, provincial borders)/Non NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #009500" " c none" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,boundary ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1d ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Borders/MNR_PLTCL_BDRY/Minor political boundary (typically used for county/parish borders) UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 4 2 1" "! c #009500" " c none" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,boundary ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1e ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Borders/INTRN_PLTCL_BDRY/International boundary/Non NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 6 2 1" "! c #009500" " c none" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,boundary ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x20 ;GRMN_TYPE: Contour Lines/MINOR_CONTOUR/Minor land-based contour line/Non NT UseOrientation=Y LineWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #D6D6D6" String1=0x04,contour ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#D6D6D6 [end] [_line] Type=0x21 ;GRMN_TYPE: Contour Lines/INT_CONTOUR/Intermediate contour (should be used for about every 5th contour line)/Non NT UseOrientation=Y LineWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #C5C5C5" String1=0x04,contour ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#C5C5C5 [end] [_line] Type=0x26 ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Features/INTERMITTENT_STREAM/Intermittent or dry stream, creek, or ditch/Non NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 7 2 1" "! c #737373" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,aeroway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#838383 [end] [_line] Type=0x27 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Line Types/AIRPORT_RUNWAY/Airport runway centerline/Non NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #737373" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,aeroway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 [end] [_line] Type=0x28 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Line Types/PIPELINE/Oil or water pipeline/Non NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 7 2 1" "! c #737373" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,aeroway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#838383 [end] [_line] Type=0x10000 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #7BCAFF" " c none" " !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " " !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!!" " !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,waterway tunnel ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#00008B [end] [_line] Type=0x10001 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 9 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #BD0000" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "######!!######!!######!!######!!" "######!!######!!######!!######!!" "!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "######!!######!!######!!######!!" "######!!######!!######!!######!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,pedestrian ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x10002 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 6 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #BD0000" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "######!!######!!######!!######!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!" "######!!######!!######!!######!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,pedestrian ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x10003 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #BD0000" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,pedestrian ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x10004 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #BD6500" "# c #FFB722" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "################################" "################################" "################################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade1 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x10005 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #BD6500" "# c #FFB722" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "################################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade1 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#737373 [end] [_line] Type=0x10006 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #BD6500" "2 c #000000" String1=0x04,grade1 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#AC8400 [end] [_line] Type=0x10007 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 6 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!" "#!##!!!##!##!!!##!##!!!##!##!!!#" "!!!!#!#!!!!!#!#!!!!!#!#!!!!!#!#!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade2 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x10008 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#" "#!##!#!##!#!##!#!##!#!##!#!##!#!" "!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade2 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x10009 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade2 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1000a ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 7 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "##!!####!!####!!####!!####!!####" "#!!!!##!!!!##!!!!##!!!!##!!!!##!" "##!!####!!####!!####!!####!!####" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade3 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x1000b ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#" "#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!" "!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade3 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x1000c ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade3 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1000d ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 6 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "##!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###" "#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!" "##!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###" "################################" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade4 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x1000e ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 4 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#!!#!#" "#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!" "##!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade4 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x1000f ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade4 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10010 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!" "##!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###" "#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!" "##!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade5 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x10011 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 4 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!" "##!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###" "#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!" "##!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###!!###" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade5 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x10012 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,grade5 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10013 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 4 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!####!!!!!!!!!!!!####!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!####!!!!!!!!!!!!####!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,track ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x10014 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #B37D59" "!############!!!#############!!!" "##############!###############!!" "!############!!!#############!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,track ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x10015 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #B37D59" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,track ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10016 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #BD6500" "!###!!!###!!!###!!!###!!!###!!!#" "#####!#####!#####!#####!#####!##" "#####!#####!#####!#####!#####!##" "#####!#####!#####!#####!#####!##" "!###!!!###!!!###!!!###!!!###!!!#" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,path ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x10017 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #BD6500" "!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!#" "####!####!####!####!####!####!##" "!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!#" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,path ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10018 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #BD6500" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!#!!#!!#!!#!!#!!#!!#!!#!!#!!#!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,path ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10019 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 6 2 1" "! c #7BCA00" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#######!#!###!!#######!#!###!!" "!!!!!!##!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!##!!" "#!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!##!!!!!!##!" "##!#!#######!!###!#!#######!!###" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,briddleway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7BCA00 [end] [_line] Type=0x1001a ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #7BCA00" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "#!###!!###!##!###!###!!###!##!##" "##!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!##" "##!##!##!!####!###!##!##!!####!#" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,briddleway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1001b ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #7BCA00" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,briddleway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1001c ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 13 2 1" "! c #BD0000" "# c #FFFFFF" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,steps ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x1001d ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 9 2 1" "! c #BD0000" "# c #FFFFFF" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,steps ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#525252 [end] [_line] Type=0x1001e ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #BD0000" "# c #FFFFFF" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,steps ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#737373 [end] [_line] Type=0x1001f ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 7 2 1" "! c #737373" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "###!###############!############" "###!!##############!!###########" "!!!!!!##########!!!!!!##########" "###!!##############!!###########" "###!###############!############" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,roundabout ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 [end] [_line] Type=0x10100 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 9 2 1" "! c #BD6500" "# c #FF9500" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "################################" "################################" "!!######!!######!!######!!######" "################################" "################################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,motorway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10101 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 7 2 1" "! c #BD6500" "# c #FF9500" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "################################" "!!######!!######!!######!!######" "################################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,motorway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10102 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 7 2 1" "! c #BD6500" "# c #FF9500" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "################################" "################################" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "################################" "################################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,motorway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10103 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=4 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FF9500" "2 c #BD6500" String1=0x04,trunk ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10104 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=3 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FF9500" "2 c #BD6500" String1=0x04,trunk ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10105 ;GRMN_TYPE: Marine Lines/MARINE_CONTOUR_LINE/Marine contour line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=3 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FF9500" "2 c #BD6500" String1=0x04,trunk ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10106 ;GRMN_TYPE: Marine Lines/OVERHEAD_CABLE/Overhead cable/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=7 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFCA00" "2 c #626262" String1=0x04,primary ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#525252 [end] [_line] Type=0x10107 ;GRMN_TYPE: Marine Lines/BRIDGE/Bridge area outline/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=4 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFCA00" "2 c #626262" String1=0x04,primary ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10108 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=2 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFCA00" "2 c #626262" String1=0x04,primary ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10109 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=6 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFCA00" "2 c #838383" String1=0x04,secondary ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#525252 [end] [_line] Type=0x1010a ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=3 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFCA00" "2 c #838383" String1=0x04,secondary ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1010b ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=2 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFCA00" "2 c #838383" String1=0x04,secondary ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1010c ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=5 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFFF41" "2 c #737373" String1=0x04,tertiary ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#525252 [end] [_line] Type=0x1010d ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=4 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFFF41" "2 c #737373" String1=0x04,tertiary ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1010e ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=2 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFFF41" "2 c #737373" String1=0x04,tertiary ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1010f ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=4 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFFF41" "2 c #737373" String1=0x04,street ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#525252 [end] [_line] Type=0x10110 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=3 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFFF41" "2 c #737373" String1=0x04,street ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10111 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=2 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFFF41" "2 c #737373" String1=0x04,street ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10112 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 7 2 1" "! c #838383" "# c #E6E6E6" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#" "################################" "################################" "################################" "!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,liv ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#525252 [end] [_line] Type=0x10113 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 6 2 1" "! c #838383" "# c #E6E6E6" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#" "################################" "################################" "!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,liv ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10114 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #838383" "# c #E6E6E6" "!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!" "################################" "!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,liv ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10115 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #BD6500" "# c #FFB722" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "##!#######!#######!#######!#####" "###!#######!#######!#######!####" "##!#######!#######!#######!#####" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,service ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x10116 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #BD6500" "# c #FFB722" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "##!#######!#######!#######!#####" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,service ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#737373 [end] [_line] Type=0x10117 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #BD6500" "2 c #000000" String1=0x04,service ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#AC8400 [end] [_line] Type=0x10118 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=3 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #BDCAFF" "2 c #0000FF" String1=0x04,cycleway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0000FF [end] [_line] Type=0x10119 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=2 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #B8D4FF" "2 c #0000FF" String1=0x04,cycleway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0000FF [end] [_line] Type=0x1011a ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=1 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #BDCAFF" "2 c #0000FF" String1=0x04,cycleway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0000FF [end] [_line] Type=0x1011b ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #BD8400" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "###!#######!#######!#######!####" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,pavpath ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x1011c ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 4 2 1" "! c #BD8400" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,pavpath ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1011d ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #BD9500" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,pavpath ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1011e ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#525252 [end] [_line] Type=0x1011f ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #313131" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!! !!! !!! !!! " " ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,edge ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#313131 [end] [_line] Type=0x10900 ;GRMN_TYPE: Contour Lines/MINOR_CONTOUR(NT)/Minor land-based contour line/NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #B4B4B4" " c none" "!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!" "! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !" "!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,platform ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x10a00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Features/STREAM(NT)/Small stream or creek/NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10c00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Line Types/RAILROAD(NT)/Railroad/NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 14 2 1" "! c #3930FF" " c none" "!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,bc:OK ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 [end] [_line] Type=0x10c01 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 18 2 1" "! c #7B0000" " c none" " ! ! ! ! " " !! ! !! ! !! ! !! !! ! !! " " !! !! !! !! !! !! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !! !! !! !! !! !! " " !! ! !! ! !! ! !! !! ! !! " " ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,bad ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_1/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #C5C5C5" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,building ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FFCA6A [end] [_line] Type=0x10e01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_2/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 9 2 1" "! c #000000" "# c #838383" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "################################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "################################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,dam ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#737373 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_3/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 7 2 1" "! c #000000" "# c #838383" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "################################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "################################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,dam ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#737373 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_4/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 4 2 1" "! c #000000" "# c #838383" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "################################" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,dam ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#737373 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_5/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,railway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD9520 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_6/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #838383" " c none" " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,railway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD9520 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_7/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #838383" " c none" " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,railway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD9520 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_8/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 8 2 1" "! c #737373" " c none" " " " " " " " ! ! ! ! " " ! !! ! ! !! ! " " ! ! ! ! " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,disused Rail ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD958B [end] [_line] Type=0x10e08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_9/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=3 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #E6E6E6" "2 c #737373" String1=0x04,resi ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#525252 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_10/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=2 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #E6E6E6" "2 c #737373" String1=0x04,resi ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_11/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=1 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #E6E6E6" "2 c #737373" String1=0x04,resi ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_12/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #7B9500" " c none" "!!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " " !! !! !! !! !! !! " " !!!! !!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,barrier ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e0c ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_13/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 20 2 1" "! c #BD0000" " c none" "! ! ! ! " " !! !! " " !! !! " "! ! ! ! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ! ! ! ! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,no bike ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e0d ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_14/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 6 2 1" "! c #FF6600" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !! !! !! !! " "! !! ! !! ! !! ! !! " " !! ! !! ! !! ! !! ! " " !! ! !! ! !! ! !! !" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,construction ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e0e ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_15/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 4 2 1" "! c #FF6500" " c none" " ! !!!!!!! " " ! ! ! !!! " " !!! ! ! ! " "!!!!!!! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,proposed ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e10 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_17/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 22 2 1" "! c #0000FF" " c none" " !! !! !! !! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " " !! !! !! !! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,cycleroute ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e11 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_18/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 22 2 1" "! c #0000FF" " c none" " !! !! !! !! " "! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!" "!! ! !! ! !! ! !! ! " " !! !! !! !! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,cycleroute ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e12 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_19/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 24 2 1" "! c #7B00D5" " c none" "! ! !!!!! !!! " "!! !! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! !!! " "! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! !!! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,MTBroute ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e13 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_20/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 14 2 1" "! c #7B6500" " c none" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,cutting ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e14 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_21/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 14 2 1" "! c #7B6500" " c none" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " " " " " " " " " " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,embankment ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e15 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_22/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,waterway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#3995FF [end] [_line] Type=0x10e16 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_23/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=3 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FF9500" "2 c #BD6500" String1=0x04,motorway_link ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e17 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_24/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=2 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FF9500" "2 c #BD6500" String1=0x04,motorway_link ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e18 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_25/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=3 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FF9500" "2 c #BD6500" String1=0x04,trunk_link ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e19 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_26/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=2 BorderWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FF9500" "2 c #BD6500" String1=0x04,trunk_link ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e1a ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_27/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 23 2 1" "! c #626262" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,bridge ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e1b ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_28/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 15 2 1" "! c #626262" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,bridge ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e1c ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_29/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 22 2 1" "! c #7B6500" " c none" " !! !! " " !!!!!! !!!!!! " "!!! !!! !!! !!! " "!! !! !! !! " "!! !! !! !! " "!! !! !! !! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!! !! !! !! " "!! !! !! !! " "!! !! !! !! " "!!! !!! !!! !!! " " !!!!!! !!!!!! " " !! !! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,tunnel ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e1d ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_30/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 14 2 1" "! c #7B6500" " c none" " !! !! " " !!!!!! !!!!!! " " !! !! !! !! " "!! !! !! !! " "!! !! !! !! " " " " " " " " " "!! !! !! !! " "!! !! !! !! " " !! !! !! !! " " !!!!!! !!!!!! " " !! !! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,tunnel ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10e1e ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_31/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 2 2 1" "! c #FF6500" " c none" " ! ! " "!! ! !! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,powerline ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#E6E6E6 [end] [_line] Type=0x10e1f ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_32/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 2 2 1" "! c #FF6500" " c none" " ! !! ! !! " " ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,powerline ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10f00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_33/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #8AB9FF" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!########!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,waterway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#00008B [end] [_line] Type=0x10f01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_34/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #8AB9FF" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#####!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,waterway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#00008B [end] [_line] Type=0x10f02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_35/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #CFE2FF" "2 c #000000" String1=0x04,waterway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#00008B [end] [_line] Type=0x10f03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_36/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 14 2 1" "! c #3930FF" " c none" "!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! " "!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,bc:left ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 [end] [_line] Type=0x10f04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_37/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 14 2 1" "! c #3930FF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! " "!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,bc:right ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 [end] [_line] Type=0x10f05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_38/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 2 2 1" "! c #FF00FF" "# c #000020" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" "!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,via_ferrata ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF00FF [end] [_line] Type=0x10f07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_40/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 14 2 1" "! c #7B30FF" " c none" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,private ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x10f08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_41/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 12 2 1" "! c #7B30FF" " c none" "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " " " " " " " " " " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,private ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x10f09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_42/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 20 2 1" "! c #FF0000" " c none" " !! " " !! !! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " !! !! " " !! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,sightseeing ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x10f10 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_49/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 7 2 1" "! c #0000FF" "# c #BDCAFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!" "#!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!##" "##!#######!#######!#######!#####" "#!##!##!#!##!##!#!##!##!#!##!##!" "!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!!!!##!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,bad cycleway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0000FF [end] [_line] Type=0x10f11 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_50/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 7 2 1" "! c #BDCAFF" "# c #0000FF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "##!#######!#######!#######!#####" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!" "##!#######!#######!#######!#####" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,bad cycleway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10f12 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_51/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 2 2 1" "! c #0000FF" "# c #BDCAFF" "!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!" "!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,bad cycleway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x11e00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_513/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 22 2 1" "! c #00CA00" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!! !!!!! " "!!!!!!! !!!!!!! " "!! !! !! !! " "!!!!!!! !!!!!!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc0 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_514/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 12 2 1" "! c #00CA00" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!!! !!!! " "!!!! !!!! " "!!!! !!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc0 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_515/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 22 2 1" "! c #00CA00" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! " "!!! !!! " " !! !! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc1 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_516/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 12 2 1" "! c #00CA00" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " "!!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " "!!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc1 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_517/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 22 2 1" "! c #FF6520" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!!! !! !!!! !! " "!!!!! !! !!!!! !! " "!! !!!!! !! !!!!! " "!! !!!!! !! !!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc2 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_518/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 12 2 1" "! c #FF6520" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!!! !!!! " "!!!! !!!! " "!!!! !!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc2 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_519/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 22 2 1" "! c #FF6520" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! " "!! !! !! !! !! !! " "!! !! !! !! !! !! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc3 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_520/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 12 2 1" "! c #FF6520" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " "!!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " "!!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc3 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_521/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 22 2 1" "! c #BD0000" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! " " !! !! !! !! " " !!!! !!!! " " !!! !!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc4 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_522/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 12 2 1" "! c #BD0000" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!!! !!!! " "!!!! !!!! " "!!!! !!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc4 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_523/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 22 2 1" "! c #BD0000" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!! !!!! !! !!!! " "!! !!!!! !! !!!!! " "!!!!! !! !!!!! !! " "!!!!! !! !!!!! !! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc5 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_524/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 12 2 1" "! c #BD0000" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!! !!! !!! !!! " "!!! !!! !!! !!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc5 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e0c ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_525/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 22 2 1" "! c #BD00FF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!! !!!!! !! !!!!! " "!! !!!!! !! !!!!! " "!! !! !! !! !! !! " "!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc6 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e0d ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_526/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 12 2 1" "! c #BD00FF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!! !!! !!! !!! " "!!! !!! !!! !!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Sc6 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e0e ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_527/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 15 2 1" "! c #00CA00" " c none" " ! ! " " !!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " " !!!!!!! !!!!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Up0 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e0f ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_528/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 13 2 1" "! c #00CA00" " c none" " ! ! " " !!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Up0 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e10 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_529/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 15 2 1" "! c #FF9541" " c none" " ! ! " " !!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " " !!!!!!! !!!!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Up1 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e11 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_530/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 13 2 1" "! c #FF9541" " c none" " ! ! " " !!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Up1 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e12 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_531/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 15 2 1" "! c #FF656A" " c none" " ! ! " " !!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " " !!!!!!! !!!!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Up2 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e13 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_532/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 13 2 1" "! c #FF656A" " c none" " ! ! " " !!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Up2 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e14 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_533/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 15 2 1" "! c #FF0000" " c none" " ! ! " " !!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " " !!!!!!! !!!!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Up3 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e15 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_534/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 13 2 1" "! c #FF0000" " c none" " ! ! " " !!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Up3 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e16 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_535/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 15 2 1" "! c #3900B4" " c none" " ! ! " " !!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " " !!!!!!! !!!!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Up4 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e17 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_536/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 13 2 1" "! c #3900B4" " c none" " ! ! " " !!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Up4 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e18 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_537/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 15 2 1" "! c #BD00FF" " c none" " ! ! " " !!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " " !!!!!!! !!!!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Up5 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x11e19 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_538/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 13 2 1" "! c #BD00FF" " c none" " ! ! " " !!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,Up5 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x12000 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_577/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 20 2 1" "! c #FFFF00" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!! !!!" " !!! !!!" " !!! !!!" " !!! !!!" " !!! !!!" " !!! !!!" " !!! !!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,T1 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#000000 [end] [_line] Type=0x12001 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_578/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 20 2 1" "! c #FF9500" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,T2 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#000000 [end] [_line] Type=0x12002 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_579/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 20 2 1" "! c #FF6500" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,T3 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#000000 [end] [_line] Type=0x12003 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_580/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 20 2 1" "! c #00CAFF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,T4 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#000000 [end] [_line] Type=0x12004 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_581/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 20 2 1" "! c #0065FF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,T5 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#000000 [end] [_line] Type=0x12005 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_582/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 20 2 1" "! c #3900D5" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,T6 ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#000000 [end] [_line] Type=0x12006 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_583/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 26 2 1" "! c #FF0000" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !! !! " "!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " ! " " !!!!! " " ! " " !!! " " !!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,hikingroute ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#000000 [end] [_line] Type=0x12007 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_584/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 23 2 1" "! c #FF0000" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " ! " " !!!!! " " ! " " !!! " " ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,hikingroute ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#000000 [end] [_line] Type=0x12010 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_593/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF6500" "!###!!!###!!!###!!!###!!!###!!!#" "#####!#####!#####!#####!#####!##" "#####!#####!#####!#####!#####!##" "#####!#####!#####!#####!#####!##" "!###!!!###!!!###!!!###!!!###!!!#" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,footpath ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x12011 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_594/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF6500" "!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!#" "####!####!####!####!####!####!##" "!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!##!!!#" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,footpath ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x12012 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_595/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #FF6500" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!#!!#!!#!!#!!#!!#!!#!!#!!#!!#!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,footpath ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x12013 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_596/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #FF6500" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!" "!#!!##!!!#!!##!!!#!!##!!!#!!##!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,pavfootpath ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF6500 [end] [_line] Type=0x12014 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_597/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 4 2 1" "! c #FF6500" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,pavfootpath ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x12015 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_598/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #FF6500" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!!!!#!!#!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,pavfootpath ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x12016 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_599/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #E6E6E6" "# c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!#!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!#!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,abandoned ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#737373 [end] [_line] Type=0x12017 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_600/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 8 2 1" "! c #000020" " c none" "! !! !" " ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! " " " " " " ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! " "! !! !" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,disused ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#737373 [end] [_line] Type=0x12018 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_601/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 6 2 1" "! c #E6E6E6" "# c #313131" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!" "###!!######!!######!!######!!###" "###!!######!!######!!######!!###" "!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,aerialway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#737373 [end] [_line] Type=0x12019 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_602/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #E6E6E6" "# c #313131" "!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!" "###!!######!!######!!######!!###" "!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,aerialway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#000000 [end] [_line] Type=0x1201a ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_603/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 12 2 1" "! c #FF0000" "# c #C5C5C5" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,raceway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 [end] [_line] Type=0x1201b ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_604/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 8 2 1" "! c #FF0000" "# c #C5C5C5" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "################################" "################################" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,raceway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 [end] [_line] Type=0x1201c ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_605/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #FF0000" "# c #C5C5C5" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" "!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,raceway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 [end] [_line] Type=0x1201d ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_606/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 6 2 1" "! c #FF3041" "# c #000000" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "################################" "################################" "!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,ferry ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF3041 [end] [_line] Type=0x1201e ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_607/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #000000" "# c #FF3041" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" "#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!!" "!###!###!###!###!###!###!###!###" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,ferry ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#000000 [end] [_line] Type=0x1201f ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_LINE_608/Non-routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 18 2 1" "! c #FF0000" " c none" " !!!!! !!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!" " !!!!! !!!" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!! !!!" "!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x04,ford ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 [end] ;====================== POINTS ========================== [_point] Type=0x001 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_10M/Large city with >10 million inhabitants/Non NT ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=LargeFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#390000 DayXpm="12 11 2 1" Colormode=0 "! c #BD0000" "# c #7B0000" "!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!##########!" "!##########!" "!##########!" "!##########!" "!##########!" "!##########!" "!##########!" "!##########!" "!##########!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x002 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_5M, LARGE_CITY/Large city center, typically 1M+ inhabitants/Non NT ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=LargeFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#202020 DayXpm="10 10 1 1" Colormode=0 "! c #BD0000" "!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!" ;1234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x004 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_1M/Large city with a range of (1, 2] million inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x01, ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=LargeFont CustomColor=No DayXpm="10 10 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD0000" "# c #7B0000" " c none" " " " ## " " ##!!## " " #!!!!# " " #!!!!!!# " " #!!!!!!# " " #!!!!# " " ##!!## " " ## " " " ;1234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x009 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_20K/City with the range of (20, 50] thousand inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x01, ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#525252 DayXpm="11 10 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7B0000" "# c #FF6500" " c none" " " " " " !!! " " !###! " " !#####! " " !#####! " " !#####! " " !###! " " !!! " " " ;12345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x00a SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_10K/City with the range of (10, 20] thousand inhabitants/Non NT ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=LargeFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#313131 DayXpm="8 8 1 1" Colormode=0 "! c #BD0000" "!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!" ;12345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x00b SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_5K/City with the range of (5, 10] thousand inhabitants/Non NT ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 DayXpm="11 10 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7B0000" "# c #BD0000" " c none" " " " " " !!! " " !###! " " !#####! " " !#####! " " !#####! " " !###! " " !!! " " " ;12345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x00c SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_LT5K, SMALL_CITY/Small city or town center, typically less than 50K inhabitants/Non NT ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 DayXpm="9 8 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7B0000" "# c #BD0000" " c none" " " " " " " " !!! " " !###!" " !###!" " !###!" " !!! " ;123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x00d SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_UNKNOWN/City of unknown population/Non NT String1=0x01, ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#525252 DayXpm="11 10 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7B0000" "# c #FF6500" " c none" " " " " " " " !!! " " !###! " " !###! " " !###! " " !!! " " " " " ;12345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x021 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x04,Exit ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#000020 DayXpm="14 9 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0000FF" "# c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!! " " !!#!!!##!! " " !###!!#!!!!" " #!!!###!!! " " !!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x028 SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x04,dismount ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="25 32 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000000" "# c #00FF00" "% c #390000" "? c #FF0000" "$ c #000020" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " !!! " " !!!!! " " !!!!! " " !!!!! " " !!! " " " " ##### " " ####### " " ######### " " ##!###%## " " ##%%%%%## " " ##%%%%%## " " ??%%%%%## " " ?##%%%%%## " " ?##%%%%%## " " ? ##%%%%??# " " ??%%%%%%%?% " " ????????????? " " ? %%%%%%%?% ? " " ???????%%$ ?%% ???? " " ?????? ??%% ?%%?????? " "??? ??? %??? ?%%??? ???" "?? ?? ??$$$????%%?? ?? ??" "?? ?? ??$%$ ????????? ??" "??? ???$%# $%#??? ???" " ?????? $## $## ?????? " " ???? ### ### ???? " ;1234567890123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x028 SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x04,!closely ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="32 17 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #390000" " c none" " !!!! " " !####! " " !####! " " !####! " " !#!!!!#! " " !#%!!%#! " " !#%!!%#! " " !#%%!!%%#! " " !#%%!!%%#! " " !#%%%%%%#! " " !##%%%%%%##! " " !##%%!!%%##! " " !##%%!!%%##! " " !##!!!!!!!!##!" " !############!" " !############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x028 SubType=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x04,!smoothness ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="32 17 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #000020" " c none" " !!!! " " !####! " " !####! " " !####! " " !##!!##! " " !##!!##! " " !##!!##! " " !##!!!!##! " " !##!!!!##! " " !##!!!!##! " " !##%%!!%%##! " " !##%%%%%%##! " " !##%%%%%%##! " " !##!!!!!!!!##!" " !############!" " !############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x028 SubType=0x10 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x04,no bike ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 20 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #390000" "? c #000020" " c none" " " " " " !! " " !!##!! " " !!######!! " " !####!!####! " " !##!!!!!!!!##! " " !#!%%%!!!!!!#! " " !##!!!%!!%%!!##! " " !##!!%%%%%!!!##! " " !##!!!!%!!%%!!!##!" " !##!!?%?!!?%?!!##!" " !##?%!%??%!%?##! " " !##!?%?!!?%?!##! " " !#!!?!!!!?!!#! " " !##!!!!!!!!##! " " !####!!####! " " !!######!! " " !!##!! " " !! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x028 SubType=0x11 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x04,!construction ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="32 17 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #390000" "? c #000020" " c none" " !!!! " " !####! " " !####! " " !####! " " !##!!##! " " !##%%##! " " !##%%##! " " !##!%%!##! " " !##%%!!##! " " !##%%%!##! " " !##%!!%%!##! " " !##%!!???##! " " !#%%!%%%?##! " " !##!!!%%%%%##!" " !############!" " !############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x028 SubType=0x12 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x04,!visiability ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="22 14 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #000041" "% c #000020" "? c #FF0000" " c none" " " " " " " " !#!!#! " " #!#!!!!!!#!# " " !#!!#%%%%#!!#!" " !!#%!!!!%#!! " " !!#%!!??!!%#!!" " !#%!!????!!%#!" " !#%!!????!!%#!" " !#%!!??!!%#! " " !##!!!!%#! " " !#%%%%#! " " !!!!!! " ;1234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x028 SubType=0x13 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x04,!surface ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="32 17 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #000020" " c none" " !!!! " " !####! " " !####! " " !####! " " !##!!##! " " !##!!##! " " !##!!##! " " !##!!!!##! " " !##!!!!##! " " !##!!!!##! " " !##%%!!%%##! " " !##%%%%%%##! " " !##%%%%%%##! " " !##!!!!!!!!##!" " !############!" " !############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x028 SubType=0x14 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x04,!ford ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="32 17 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #000020" " c none" " !!!! " " !####! " " !####! " " !####! " " !##!!##! " " !##!!##! " " !##!!##! " " !##!!!!##! " " !##!!!!##! " " !##!%%!##! " " !##!%%!%%##! " " !##!!!!!!##! " " !##!!%%!!##! " " !##!!%%!%%!##!" " !############!" " !############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x028 SubType=0x15 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x04,!incline ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="32 17 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #000020" " c none" " !!!! " " !####! " " !####! " " !####! " " !##!!##! " " !##!!##! " " !##!!##! " " !##!!!%##! " " !##!!%%##! " " !##!!%%##! " " !##!!%%%%##! " " !##!!%%%%##! " " !##!%%%%%##! " " !##!%%%%%%%##!" " !############!" " !############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x028 SubType=0x16 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Poller ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="9 10 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #7BFF20" "% c #FF0000" "? c #FFFFFF" " c none" " !!!" " !#!" " %%%" " %%%" " !?!" " !?!" " !?!" " !?!" " !?!" " !!!" ;123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x028 SubType=0x17 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Schranke String2=0x04,lift gate ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="13 17 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0020" "% c #FF0000" "? c #000000" "$ c #737373" "* c #000020" " c none" " " " " " " " !!!" " ###!" " !!!#!" " #%%!# " " !!!%! " " #%%!# " " !!!#! " " %%%!# " " ??%!! " " ??% " " ?? " " ?? " " ???$$?$???" " *?$???$???" ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x028 SubType=0x18 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Tor String2=0x04,barrier ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="12 10 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000000" "# c #FF0020" "% c #FFFFFF" "? c #737373" "$ c #838383" " c none" " " " " " " " " " !# #!" " !# # #!" " !%??%??%!" " !# ! #!" " !# ! #!" " !$??!??$!" ;123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x028 SubType=0x19 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Drängelgitter String2=0x04,cycle barrier ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="14 10 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #7BFF20" "% c #FF0000" "? c #FFFFFF" " c none" " !!! !!! !!!" " !#! !#! !#!" " %%% %%% %%%" " %%% %%% %%%" " !?!!!!?!!!!?!" " !?! !?! !?!" " !?! !?! !?!" " !?! !?! !?!" " !?!!!!?!!!!?!" " !!! !!! !!!" ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x029 SubType=0x10 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Ortsschild String2=0x04,city sign ExtendedLabels=N DayXpm="22 14 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #E6E6E6" "# c #FFCA41" "% c #FFCA6A" "? c #000020" "$ c #000041" "* c #FFB722" " c none" " " " " " " "!################%%%%!" "#??#??#??#?#$$#$%$%$$%" "#?*#??#?#%?#$##$#$%$%%" "#??#??#??%?#$##$$$%$$%" "##?#?##?#%?#$##$#$%$%%" "#??#?##??#?#$$#$%$%$$%" "#######*#########%%%%%" "####$#####$#$#*##%%%%%" "##*$**$*$***##$##%$%%%" "######$###$$#$###%%%%%" "!################%%%%!" ;1234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x029 SubType=0x12 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Stop String2=0x04,stop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="17 15 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #FF656A" " c none" " " " !!!!!!!!!!! " " !###########! " " !#############! " "!###############!" "!#!!#!!!#!#%!!##!" "!#!###!#!#!#!#!#!" "!#!!##!#!#!#!!##!" "!##!##!#!#!#!###!" "!##!##!#!#!#!###!" "!#!!##!##!##!###!" "!###############!" " !#############! " " !###########! " " !!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x029 SubType=0x14 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Sackgasse String2=0x04,No Exit ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="11 14 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0000FF" "# c #3900FF" "% c #FF0041" "? c #FF0000" "$ c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!" " ###!!!!!" " #%%%??%#" " #%%%%%%#" " ###$$###" " ###$$###" " ###$$###" " ###$$###" " ###$$###" " ###$$###" " !!#####!" ;12345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x029 SubType=0x15 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Kreisel String2=0x04,mini roundabout ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="13 12 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #3900FF" "# c #FFFFFF" " c none" " !!!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!# !!##!! " " !!#!!!!!!#!!" " !!#!!!!!! !!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!" " !! !!!!!!#!!" " !!##!!!!!#!!" " !!##!! #!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!! " ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x029 SubType=0x17 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Zebrastreifen String2=0x04,give way ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="5 6 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " "!!!!!" "#####" "!!!!!" "#####" "!!!!!" ;12345 [end] [_point] Type=0x029 SubType=0x19 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Gebäude String2=0x04,Building ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF6500 DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT/General restaurant of unknown genre/Non NT String1=0x02,Restaurant String2=0x04,Restaurant ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !#!#!!#!###!!#!" " !#!#!!#!##!!!#!" " !#!#!!#!##!!!#!" " !##!!!!###!!!#!" " !##!!!!###!!!#!" " !###!!####!!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!######!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !#############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_AMERICAN/American cuisine/Non NT String1=0x02,amerikanisch String2=0x04,american ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #0000FF" "% c #FF0000" "? c #FFCA00" "$ c #FFFFFF" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " #####%%%?!?!!?!???!!?!" " ###$#$$$?!?!!?!??!!!?!" " #$###%%%?!?!!?!??!!!?!" " #####$$$??!!!!???!!!?!" " %%%%%%%%??!!!!???!!!?!" " $$$$$$$$???!!????!!!?!" " %%%%%%%%???!!?????!!?!" " !???!!??????!?!" " !???!!?????!!?!" " !???!!?????!!?!" " !???!!?????!!?!" " !???!!?????!!?!" " !?????????????!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_ASIAN/Asian cuisine/Non NT String1=0x02,Asiatisch String2=0x04,asien ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #000000" "% c #FFCA00" "? c #FFFFFF" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " ########!%!%!!%!%%%!!%!" " #???!???!%!%!!%!%%!!!%!" " #!??!!!?!%!%!!%!%%!!!%!" " #?!!!!??!%%!!!!%%%!!!%!" " #?!??!!!!%%!!!!%%%!!!%!" " #?????!?!%%%!!%%%%!!!%!" " ########!%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%%!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%%%%%%%%%%%!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_BARBECUE/Barbecue cuisine/Non NT String1=0x02,Grill String2=0x04,Barbecue ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD3000 DayXpm="16 23 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #00CA00" "% c #FFFF00" "? c #FF6500" "$ c #FF0000" "* c #BD0000" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!##############!" "!#%?%%%??%%%%?#!" "!%%?%%%%?%%?%%%!" "!#%%%?%%%?%%%%#!" "!#$$$$$$$$$$$$#!" "!$$$**$$$$$$$$*!" "!$$$$$$$$$$$*$$!" "!$$***$**$*$$$#!" "!#%%%%%%%%%%%%#!" "!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!" "!#%%%%%%%%%%%%#!" "!##############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_CHINESE/Chinese cuisine/Non NT String1=0x02,chinesisch String2=0x04,china ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #000000" "% c #FFCA00" "? c #FFFFFF" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " ########!%!%!!%!%%%!!%!" " #???!???!%!%!!%!%%!!!%!" " #!??!!!?!%!%!!%!%%!!!%!" " #?!!!!??!%%!!!!%%%!!!%!" " #?!??!!!!%%!!!!%%%!!!%!" " #?????!?!%%%!!%%%%!!!%!" " ########!%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%%!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%%%%%%%%%%%!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_DELI/Deli or sandwich shop/Non NT String1=0x02,Delikatessen String2=0x04,Deli ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !#!#!!#!###!!#!" " !#!#!!#!##!!!#!" " !#!#!!#!##!!!#!" " !##!!!!###!!!#!" " !##!!!!###!!!#!" " !###!!####!!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!######!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !#############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_INTRNTNL/International cuisine/Non NT String1=0x02,Restaurant String2=0x04,Restaurant ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !#!#!!#!###!!#!" " !#!#!!#!##!!!#!" " !#!#!!#!##!!!#!" " !##!!!!###!!!#!" " !##!!!!###!!!#!" " !###!!####!!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!######!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !#############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_FAST_FOOD/Fast food establishment, i.e. McDonalds/Non NT String1=0x02,Grill String2=0x04,Barbecue ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD3000 DayXpm="16 23 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #00CA00" "% c #FFFF00" "? c #FF6500" "$ c #FF0000" "* c #BD0000" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!##############!" "!#%?%%%??%%%%?#!" "!%%?%%%%?%%?%%%!" "!#%%%?%%%?%%%%#!" "!#$$$$$$$$$$$$#!" "!$$$**$$$$$$$$*!" "!$$$$$$$$$$$*$$!" "!$$***$**$*$$$#!" "!#%%%%%%%%%%%%#!" "!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!" "!#%%%%%%%%%%%%#!" "!##############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_ITALIAN/Italian cuisine/Non NT String1=0x02,italienisch String2=0x04,italien ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #00CA00" "% c #FFFFFF" "? c #FF0000" "$ c #FFCA00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " ###%%%???!$!$!!$!$$$!!$!" " ###%%%???!$!$!!$!$$!!!$!" " ###%%%???!$!$!!$!$$!!!$!" " ###%%%???!$$!!!!$$$!!!$!" " ###%%%???!$$!!!!$$$!!!$!" " ###%%%???!$$$!!$$$$!!!$!" " ###%%%???!$$$!!$$$$$!!$!" " !$$$!!$$$$$$!$!" " !$$$!!$$$$$!!$!" " !$$$!!$$$$$!!$!" " !$$$!!$$$$$!!$!" " !$$$!!$$$$$!!$!" " !$$$$$$$$$$$$$!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_MEXICAN/Mexican cuisine/Non NT String1=0x02,salsa String2=0x04,salsa ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FF0000" "% c #FFCA00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " #########!%!%!!%!%%%!!%!" " #########!%!%!!%!%%!!!%!" " %%##%%%%%!%!%!!%!%%!!!%!" " %#%%#%%%%!%%!!!!%%%!!!%!" " %%##%%%%%!%%!!!!%%%!!!%!" " #########!%%%!!%%%%!!!%!" " #########!%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%%!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%%%%%%%%%%%!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_PIZZA/Pizzeria/Non NT String1=0x02,Pizza String2=0x04,Pizza ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="25 20 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00CA00" "# c #FFFFFF" "% c #FF0000" "? c #FF9500" "$ c #FFFF00" "* c #390000" " c none" " " " " " " " " " !!!###%%% " " !!!###%%%?? ??? " " !!!###%%%? $$%$$$?? " " !!!###%%%? $%%???$???? " " !!!###%%% %$$*%$%$**? " " !!!###%%% %$?**%****$? ?" " ??? $*%**$$%*$$$$? " " %*?*$%%*?%%%$? " " **$$%?$$%$**?% " " %*%%%%*%??**$$* " " %*%$%$*$?$*%?** " " %%$???%%*??$$? " " ?$?%%%$*%%$$% " " *$$%%?%$%$% " " *$??*?%?$% " " %?**$** " ;1234567890123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_SEAFOOD/Seafood restaurant/Non NT String1=0x02,Restaurant String2=0x04,Restaurant ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !#!#!!#!###!!#!" " !#!#!!#!##!!!#!" " !#!#!!#!##!!!#!" " !##!!!!###!!!#!" " !##!!!!###!!!#!" " !###!!####!!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!######!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !#############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_STEAK/Grill and steak brew pub restaurant/Non NT String1=0x02,Steak String2=0x04,Steak ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #000000" "% c #FFCA00" "? c #FFFFFF" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " ##!######!%!%!!%!%%%!!%!" " #?!????!?!%!%!!%!%%!!!%!" " #?!????!?!%!%!!%!%%!!!%!" " #?!!??!!?!%%!!!!%%%!!!%!" " #??!!!!??!%%!!!!%%%!!!%!" " #??!!!!??!%%%!!%%%%!!!%!" " #########!%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%%!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%%%%%%%%%%%!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x0e ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_CAFES/Cafe or coffee shop/Non NT String1=0x02,Cafe String2=0x04,Cafe ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="17 16 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #7BCA00" "% c #00CA00" "? c #FFFFFF" "$ c #7B6500" " c none" " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !######%%%%####!" " !##############!" " !###???????####!" " !##??$$$$$??###!" " !##?$$$$$$$?###!" " !##??$$$$$????#!" " !##?????????##?!" " !##?????????##?!" " !##???????????#!" " !##?????????###!" " !###???????####!" " !#???????????#%!" " !#############%!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x10 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_GERMAN/German cuisine/Non NT String1=0x02,Deutsch String2=0x04,German ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #000000" "% c #FFCA00" "? c #FF0000" "$ c #FFFF00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " #########!%!%!!%!%%%!!%!" " #########!%!%!!%!%%!!!%!" " ?????????!%!%!!%!%%!!!%!" " ?????????!%%!!!!%%%!!!%!" " $$$$$$$$$!%%!!!!%%%!!!%!" " $$$$$$$$$!%%%!!%%%%!!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%%!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%!!%%%%%!!%!" " !%%%%%%%%%%%%%!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x12 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Spezialitäten String2=0x04,speciality ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !#!#!!#!###!!#!" " !#!#!!#!##!!!#!" " !#!#!!#!##!!!#!" " !##!!!!###!!!#!" " !##!!!!###!!!#!" " !###!!####!!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!######!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !#############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x13 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Restaurant String2=0x04,Restaurant ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !#!#!!#!###!!#!" " !#!#!!#!##!!!#!" " !#!#!!#!##!!!#!" " !##!!!!###!!!#!" " !##!!!!###!!!#!" " !###!!####!!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!######!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !###!!#####!!#!" " !#############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02b SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Lodging/HOTEL/Hotel/Non NT String1=0x02,Hotel String2=0x04,Hotel ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !#####!!######!" " !###!!##!!####!" " !##!######!!!#!" " !#!########!!#!" " !!#########!!!!" " !##########!!#!" " !#!!#####!!!!#!" " !#!!#!!!!!!!!#!" " !#!!!!!!!!!!!#!" " !#!!!!!!!!!!!#!" " !#!!#######!!#!" " !#!!#######!!#!" " !#############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02b SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Lodging/BED_AND_BREAKFAST/Bed and breakfast inn/Non NT String1=0x02,Hotel String2=0x04,Hotel ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 15 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !#############!" " !#############!" " !##########!!#!" " !##########!!#!" " !##########!!#!" " !##########!!#!" " !#!!#####!!!!#!" " !#!!#!!!!!!!!#!" " !#!!!!!!!!!!!#!" " !#!!!!!!!!!!!#!" " !#!!#######!!#!" " !#!!#######!!#!" " !#############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02b SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Lodging/RESORT/Resort/Non NT String1=0x04,nursing_home ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="11 10 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!" " !!" ;12345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x02b SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Camping String2=0x04,camping ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="25 13 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000000" "# c #FFFFFF" "% c #838383" "? c #202020" " c none" " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !#################! " "!##%%%#%%%#%%%#%%%##! " "!##%%%#%%%#%%%#%%%##! " "!##%%%#%%%#%%%#%%%##! " "!##########%%%######!?? " "!##########%%%######!?? " " !#########%%%#####! ?? " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????" " !!!? ???? " " ???? ???? " " ?? ?? " ;1234567890123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02b SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x04,hunting hut ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="16 14 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #B34700" "# c #101010" "% c #D5D5D5" " c none" " " " " " " " !!!!! " " !###! % " " !###! " " !!!!! " " ### " " !!! " " % ### % " " !!! %" " ### " " !!!% % " " % " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/THEME_PARK/Amusement or theme park, i.e. Disneyland/Non NT String1=0x02,Freizeit Park String2=0x04,Theme Park ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 DayXpm="17 16 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" "% c #7B0000" " c none" " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !##############!" " !######%%######!" " !####%%!!%%####!" " !###%##!!##%###!" " !##%!!####!!%##!" " !##%!!####!!%##!" " !#%####%%####%#!" " !#%!!##%%##!!%#!" " !##!!#!##!#!!##!" " !##!#!!##!!#!##!" " !##!!!####!!!##!" " !###!%%##%%!###!" " !###!##%%##!###!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/MUSEUM/Museum or historical society/Non NT String1=0x02,Denkmal String2=0x04,Memorial ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="23 20 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" "# c #006500" "% c #B4B4B4" "? c #000000" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!! " " !!!!! " " ######### " " ######### " " ####### " " ####### " " ##%%%%# " " ####### " " ##%#%## " " ##%%### " " #####%# " " ####### " " ????????? " " ?????????????" " ?????????????" ;12345678901234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/SCHOOL/School/Non NT String1=0x02,Schule String2=0x04,College ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 DayXpm="16 15 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFCA00" "# c #000020" " c none" " " " " " !####!!!!!!!!!" " ######!!!####!" " ##!!##!!!#####" " ######!!!##!##" " ##!!##!!!#####" " ##!!##!!!#####" " !!!!!!!!!##!##" " !!!!####!#####" " !!!#####!####!" " !!!##!!!!!!!!!" " !!!##!!!!!!!!!" " !!!#####!!!!!!" " !!!!####!!!!!!" ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/GARDEN, PARK/Garden, park/Non NT String1=0x02,Park String2=0x04,Park ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 DayXpm="16 15 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFCA00" "# c #009500" "% c #FFFF20" "? c #BD0000" "$ c #000020" "* c #FF0000" " c none" " " " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!!##!!!!%%!!!" " !!####!!!%%!!!" " !######!!!!!!!" " !######!!!!!!!" " !!####!!!!!!!!" " !!!##!!!!!!!!!" " !!!??!$!!!!!$!" " !!!??!$!!!!!$!" " !!!??!$*****$!" " !!!??!$$!*!$$!" " !!????$$!*!$$!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/ZOO/Zoo/Non NT String1=0x02,Tiere String2=0x04,animals ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 20 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7B6500" "# c #000020" "% c #000000" " c none" " " " " " !! " " !! " " !!! " " !!##!!! " " !!##!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !! !!!!!!!!!!! " " !! !!!! !!! " " !!# !!! " " %% !!! " " !! " " !!#" " ##" ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/ARENA/Arena or track/Non NT String1=0x02,Sportstätte String2=0x04,sport ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="22 17 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFCA00" "# c #000020" "% c #7B0000" "? c #00CA00" "$ c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " !#########!" " #!!!!%!!!!#" " #!!%%%%%!!#" " #!%%???%%!#" " #!%$???$%!#" " #!%%???%%!#" " #!%%???%%!#" " #!%$???$%!#" " #!%%???%%!#" " #!!%%%%%!!#" " #!!!!%!!!!#" " !#########!" ;1234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/HALL/Auditorium or hall/Non NT String1=0x02,Halle String2=0x04,Hall ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 DayXpm="16 15 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFCA00" "# c #000020" " c none" " " " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!!######!!!!!" " !##########!!!" " !##!!!!!!##!!!" " ##!!!####!##!!" " !#!!#!!!#!#!!!" " !#!!#!!!#!#!!!" " !#!!#!!##!#!!!" " !#!##!!##!#!!!" " !#!##!!!!!#!!!" " !#!!!!!!!!#!!!" " !##########!!!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/PLACE_OF_WORSHIP/Religious place of worship/Non NT String1=0x02,Religionshaus String2=0x04,Place of worship ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="20 19 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FF6500" "# c #838383" "% c #000000" "? c #FFFF00" " c none" " !! " " !!!!! " " !!!!!!! " " ##### " " #%%%# " " #%%%# " " #%%%# " " ##### " " ##### " " ##### " " #####!!!!!!!!!! " " #####!!!!!!!!!!!! " " #####!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " ####??#??#??#??###" " ####??#??#??#??###" " ####??#??#??#??###" " ####??#??#??#??###" " ##################" " ##################" ;12345678901234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Vulkan String2=0x04,Vulcano ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 DayXpm="28 16 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FF3000" "# c #BD6500" "% c #737373" "? c #C5C5C5" "$ c #313131" "* c #B4B4B4" " c none" " " " ! ! " " !! " " !! ! " " ! " " #%%! !!!" " #%!!! ! " " #%!!!!%% ! " " ?%%!!!!#% " " %%%%!!!!# " " %%##%%##%%# " " %#%%##$##%% " " ?%%###%#%%%#%%? " " ?%%%##%*##%####% " " ?####%#%%#####?#%% " " ###############%%% " ;1234567890123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/BAR/Bar or club/Non NT String1=0x02,Biergarten String2=0x04,Beer garden ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="18 17 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #00CA00" "% c #C5C5C5" "? c #FFFFFF" "$ c #414141" "* c #FFCA00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!! " " ! ######## !" " ! ##%%%%### !" " !##%????%### !" " !#%?????%### !" " !#$$$$$$$$## !" " !#$??????$###!" " !#$??????$$$#!" " !#$******$#$#!" " !#$*???**$#$#!" " !#$**?***$#$#!" " !#$******$#$#!" " !#$******$$##!" " !#$******$###!" " !##$$$$$$####!" " ! ########## !" " !!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/MOVIE_THEATER/Movie theater or cinema/Non NT String1=0x02,Kino String2=0x04,Cinema ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 DayXpm="17 15 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFCA00" "# c #000020" " c none" " " " " " !!!##!!!##!!!!!" " !!####!####!!!!" " !!####!####!!!!" " !!!##!!!##!!!#!" " !!########!!##!" " !##########!##!" " !#############!" " !#############!" " !#############!" " !!########!!##!" " !!!!#!!#!!!!!#!" " !!!#!!!!#!!!!!!" " !!#!!!!!!#!!!!!" ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/CASINO/Casino/Non NT String1=0x02,Casino String2=0x04,Casino ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="17 21 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #D5D5D5" "% c #FFFF00" "? c #FFFFFF" "$ c #FF0000" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " " !####%%%####!!" " !#??#%%%#??#%!" " !#$$#%%%#??#%!" " !#??#%%%#!!#%!" " !#??#%%%#??#%!" " !####%%%####%!" " !%%%%%%%%%%%%!" " !%%%%%%%%%%%%!" " !####%%%####%!" " !#??#%%%#??#%!" " !#?!#%%%#$?#%!" " !#!?#%%%#?$#%!" " !#??#%%%#??#%!" " !####%%%####%!" " !!!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/GOLF_COURSE/Golf course/Non NT String1=0x02,Golf String2=0x04,golf ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="10 18 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #000000" "% c #7BCA00" "? c #838383" " c none" " " " !!!" " !#!" " !#!" " !#!" " !#!" " !%!" " !%#" " !%#" " !%!" " !%#" " !##" " !!!!??#" " !??????#" " !??????!" " !?????! " " !???!! " " !!! " ;1234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/SKI_CENTER/Ski area or resort/Non NT String1=0x02,Ski String2=0x04,skiing ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="8 10 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7B0000" "# c #00CA00" "% c #FFFFFF" " c none" " ! " " !!!!! " " !!###!!" " !%###%!" " !!###!!" " !!###!!" " !%###%!" " !!###!!" " !!!!! " " ! " ;12345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/BOWLING/Bowling alley/Non NT String1=0x02,Sportstätte String2=0x04,sport ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="8 10 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7B0000" "# c #00CA00" "% c #FFFFFF" " c none" " ! " " !!!!! " " !!###!!" " !%###%!" " !!###!!" " !!###!!" " !%###%!" " !!###!!" " !!!!! " " ! " ;12345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/ICE_SKATING/Ice skating rink/Non NT String1=0x02,Sportstätte String2=0x04,sport ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="8 10 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7B0000" "# c #00CA00" "% c #FFFFFF" " c none" " ! " " !!!!! " " !!###!!" " !%###%!" " !!###!!" " !!###!!" " !%###%!" " !!###!!" " !!!!! " " ! " ;12345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/SWIMMING_POOL/Swimming pool/Non NT String1=0x02,Schwimmen String2=0x04,Swim ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="18 17 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" "% c #0000FF" " c none" " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!################!" "!####%%%%%#######!" "!####%%%%%#######!" "!#%%%%%##%%%%####!" "!#%%%%%##%%%%####!" "!###########%%%##!" "!####%%%%%##%%%##!" "!####%%%%%#######!" "!#%%%%%##%%%%####!" "!#%%%%%##%%%%####!" "!###########%%%##!" "!###########%%%##!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/FITNESS_CENTER/Fitness center or gym/Non NT String1=0x02,Sport String2=0x04,soccer ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="9 11 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " !! " " !!##!! " " !!!##! " " !#!!!!#!" " !###!!#!" " !!!!#! " " !!##!! " " !! " ;123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/DEPARTMENT_STORE/Department store/Non NT String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/GROCERY_STORE/Grocery store/Non NT String1=0x02,Bäcker String2=0x04,Bakery ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="17 11 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFFF00" "% c #7B3000" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!#%%%#######%%%#!" "!#%%%%%%#%%%%%%#!" "!%%#%%#%%%#%%#%%!" "!%%%##%%%%%##%%%!" "!#%%#%%%#%%%#%%#!" "!##%%%#####%%%##!" "!#%%%%%####%%%%#!" "!#%#%%%%%%%%%#%#!" "!####%%%%%%%####!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/GENERAL_STORE/General store/Non NT String1=0x02,Supermarkt String2=0x04,supermarkt ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="13 10 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!##" " %%%%%%%%%%##" " %%!%!%!%!%!!" " %%!%!%!%!%!!" " !%%!%!%!%%!!" " !%%%%%%%%!!!" " !!%!!!!!%!!!" " !%%%!!!%%%!!" " !%%%!!!%%%!!" " !!%!!!!!%!!!" ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/SHOPPING_CENTER/Shopping center or mall/Non NT String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/PHARMACY/Pharmacy/Non NT String1=0x02,Apotheke String2=0x04,chemist ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="11 12 2 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!###!!!" "!!!!#####!!" "!!!##!!##!!" "!!!##!!##!!" "!!##!#####!" "!##!######!" "!!!##!!##!!" "!!!##!!##!!" "!#!##!!##!!" "!####!!!##!" "!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/CONVENIENCE_STORE/Convenience store/Non NT String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/CLOTHING_RETAIL/Clothing store/Non NT String1=0x02,Klamotten String2=0x04,clothes ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="13 10 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!##" " %%%%%%%%%%##" " %%!%!%!%!%!!" " %%!%!%!%!%!!" " !%%!%!%!%%!!" " !%%%%%%%%!!!" " !!%!!!!!%!!!" " !%%%!!!%%%!!" " !%%%!!!%%%!!" " !!%!!!!!%!!!" ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/HOME_AND_GARDEN_STORE/House and garden store/Non NT String1=0x02,Shop String2=0x04,garden_centre ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="13 10 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!##" " %%%%%%%%%%##" " %%!%!%!%!%!!" " %%!%!%!%!%!!" " !%%!%!%!%%!!" " !%%%%%%%%!!!" " !!%!!!!!%!!!" " !%%%!!!%%%!!" " !%%%!!!%%%!!" " !!%!!!!!%!!!" ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/HOME_FURNISHINGS_STORE/Furniture store/Non NT String1=0x02,Shop String2=0x04,hardware ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="13 10 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!##" " %%%%%%%%%%##" " %%!%!%!%!%!!" " %%!%!%!%!%!!" " !%%!%!%!%%!!" " !%%%%%%%%!!!" " !!%!!!!!%!!!" " !%%%!!!%%%!!" " !%%%!!!%%%!!" " !!%!!!!!%!!!" ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/SPECIALTY_RETAIL/Specialty store/Non NT String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/SOFTWARE_RETAIL/Computer software store/Non NT String1=0x02,ComputerShop String2=0x04,computershop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="13 10 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #838383" "% c #000020" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!" " !########!!!" " !#%%%%%%#!!!" " !#%%%%%%#!!!" " !#%%%%%%#!!!" " !#%%%%%%#%%!" " !#%%%%%%#%%!" " !########!!!" " !!!!%%%%%!!!" " !!!!%%%%%!!!" ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x0d ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x0e ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x0f ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x10 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x11 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x12 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x13 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x14 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x15 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x16 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x17 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x18 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x19 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x1a ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x1b ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x1c ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x1d ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x1e ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x1f ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/GAS_STATION/Gas, fuel station/Non NT String1=0x02,Tankstelle String2=0x04,Fuel ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="22 23 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #101010" "# c #FF0020" "% c #FFFFFF" "? c #BDFF00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!#############!! " " !!##!!!!!!!!!##!!! " " !!##!%!%!%!%!##!!!! " " !!##!%!%!%!%!##!! !!" " !!##!!!!!!!!!##!! !!" " !!#############!! !!" " !!#############!!! !" " !!!#########!!! ! !" " !!###%%%###!! !!!" " !!##%%%%%##!! ! " " !!##!!!!!##!! !! " " !!##??!??##!! ! " " !!##%?!?%##!! !! " " !!##%?!?%##!!!! " " !!##%?!?%##!!! " " !!###?!?###!!! " " !!#########!! " " !!#########!! " " !!#########!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;1234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/AUTO_RENTAL/Car rental location/Non NT String1=0x02,Autoverleih String2=0x04,Car Rental ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="18 16 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" "% c #FFB722" "? c #0000D5" "$ c #FFFFFF" "* c #FF9500" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !###%%%%#######!" " !###########!!#!" " !##?????###!###!" " !##?$$$?##!!!##!" " !#??$$$??#!####!" " !#?*???*?#!!!##!" " !#???????##!###!" " !#!!###!!###!!#!" " !##############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/AUTO_REPAIR/Car repair, mechanic/Non NT String1=0x02,Autowerkstatt String2=0x04,Car Repair ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="18 16 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" "% c #838383" "? c #0000D5" "$ c #FFFFFF" "* c #FF9500" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !#######%!##!!#!" " !#######%!##!!#!" " !##?????%!!!!!#!" " !##?$$$?#%!!!##!" " !#??$$$??#%!###!" " !#?*???*?#%!###!" " !#???????#%!###!" " !#!!###!!#%!###!" " !##############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/AIRPORT/Airport/Non NT String1=0x02,Flughafen String2=0x04,airport ExtendedLabels=N DayXpm="30 23 9 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #525252" "% c #E6E6E6" "? c #D5D5D5" "$ c #A4A4A4" "* c #313131" "= c #B4B4B4" "1 c #C5C5C5" " c none" " ! " " ! " " ### " " #!### " " #%?$# " " #%?$# " " #%?$# " " #%?$# " " #%?$# " " #%?$# " " *#%?$#* " " * **#%?$#** * " " * ****#%?$##*** * " " ***===#%?$##==*** " " ****=== #%?$# ===**** " " **=== #?# ==**" " #?# " " #?# " " #?# " " ##!## " " #%#!#1# " " ####!#### " " ! " ;123456789012345678901234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/POST_OFFICE/Post office/Non NT String1=0x02,Post String2=0x04,mail ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="19 10 3 1" Colormode=0 "! c #390000" "# c #000020" "% c #FFFF00" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!###" "!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#" "!%###%###%#########" "!%#%#%#%#%#%%%%!%%#" "!%###%#%#%###%%!%%#" "!%#%%%#%#%%%#%%!%%#" "!%#%%%#%#%%%#%%!%%#" "!%#%%%###%###%%!%%#" "!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!####" ;1234567890123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/BANK/Bank/Non NT String1=0x02,Bank String2=0x04,Bank ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="17 20 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFFF00" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!##########!!" " !#####!!!!###!" " !####!!!!!!!#!" " !###!!####!!#!" " !##!!########!" " !#!!!!!!!!###!" " !##!!########!" " !#!!!!!!!!###!" " !##!!########!" " !###!!####!!#!" " !####!!!!!!!#!" " !#####!!!!###!" " !!##########!!" " !!!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/DEALER/Dealer of manufactured goods/Non NT String1=0x02,Autogeschäft String2=0x04,Car Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="13 16 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" "% c #0000D5" "? c #FFFFFF" "$ c #FF9500" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!! " " !#########!" " !##%%%%%##!" " !##%???%##!" " !#%%???%%#!" " !#%$%%%$%#!" " !#%%%%%%%#!" " !#!!###!!#!" " !#########!" " !!!!!!!!! " ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/GND_TRANSPORT/Ground transportation status, i.e. a bus station/Non NT String1=0x02,Bahnhof String2=0x04,station ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="17 20 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BDFFFF" "# c #000020" "% c #FFFFFF" "? c #000000" " c none" " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!###!!!!!!" " !!!!###!###!!!!" " !!###!!!!!###!!" " ###!!#####!!###" " !!!!!!#!#!!!!!!" " !!!!!!!#!!!!!!!" " !!!!!#####!!!!!" " !!!!#%%%%%#!!!!" " !!!!#%%%%%#!!!!" " !!!##??#####!!!" " !!!????%????!!!" " !!!?????????!!!" " !!!??%???%??!!!" " !!!?????????!!!" " !!!!???????!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!!!??!!!??!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/MARINA/Marina/Non NT String1=0x02,Laden String2=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 4 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #202020" "? c #000020" "!!!!!!!!!!!###!" "!%%%%%%%%%%?##!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!%%!%!%!%!%!?!!" "!!%%!%!%!!%??!!" "!!%%%%%%%%??!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!!?!!!" "!!??????????!!!" "!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!" "!!???!!!!???!!!" "!!!?!!!!!!?!!!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/WRECKER_SERVICE/Wrecker service/Non NT String1=0x02,Schrott String2=0x04,Car wrecker ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="13 16 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" "% c #0000D5" "? c #FFFFFF" "$ c #FF9500" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!! " " !#!#####!#!" " !##!%%%!##!" " !##%!?!%##!" " !#%%?!?%%#!" " !#%$!%!$%#!" " !#%!%%%!%#!" " !#!!###!!#!" " !!#######!!" " !!!!!!!!! " ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/PARKING/Parking/Non NT String1=0x02,Parkplatz String2=0x04,parking ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="9 12 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0000FF" "# c #3930FF" "% c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " !###### " " #%%%%%!#" " #%%%%%%!" " #%%#!%%!" " #%%#!%%!" " #%%%%%%!" " #%%%%%!!" " #%%!!!!#" " #%%#####" " #%%#####" " !!!#### " ;123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/REST_AREA_TOURIST_INFO/Rest area, Tourist information/Non NT String1=0x02,Info String2=0x04,info ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="9 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0000FF" "# c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " !!!!!!" " !!!!!!" " !!##!!" " !!##!!" " !!!!!!" " !!##!!" " !!##!!" " !!##!!" " !!##!!" " !!##!!" " !!##!!" " !!!!!!" " !!!!!!" ;123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x0d ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/AUTO_CLUB/Automobile club/Non NT String1=0x02,Autoclub String2=0x04,Car Club ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="13 16 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" "% c #0000D5" "? c #FFFFFF" "$ c #FF9500" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!! " " !#########!" " !##%%%%%##!" " !##%???%##!" " !#%%???%%#!" " !#%$%%%$%#!" " !#%%%%%%%#!" " !#!!###!!#!" " !#########!" " !!!!!!!!! " ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x0e ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/CAR_WASH/Car wash/Non NT String1=0x02,Autowasch String2=0x04,Car wash ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 16 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" "% c #7B6500" "? c #FFFFFF" "$ c #0000D5" "* c #FF9500" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!#############!" "!#%?#######?%#!" "!#?% $$$$$ %?#!" "!#%? $???$ ?%#!" "!#?%$$???$$%?#!" "!#%?$*$$$*$?%#!" "!#?%$$$$$$$%?#!" "!#%?!! !!?%#!" "!#############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x10 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/SERVICES_PERSONAL/Personal services/Non NT String1=0x02,Frisör String2=0x04,hairdresser ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="15 11 2 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!##!!!!##!!!" "!!!!!##!!##!!!!" "!!!!!!####!!!!!" "!!!!!!!##!!!!!!" "!!!!!!####!!!!!" "!!!!!!#!!#!!!!!" "!!!!##!!!!#!!!!" "!!!##!!!!!!##!!" "!!#!!#!!!!##!#!" "!!!##!!!!!!##!!" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x11 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/SERVICES_BUSINESS/Business services/Non NT String1=0x02,Telefon String2=0x04,telephone ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="14 13 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #E6E6E6" "% c #7B0000" "? c #390000" "$ c #FFFF00" " c none" " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!#%###%#!!!" 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" ###" " !#!" ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x13 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/REPAIR_SERVICE/Repair service/Non NT String1=0x02,Radladen String2=0x04,Bike Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 18 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!#########################!" "!#########################!" "!#####!!!#######!!!!######!" "!#####!#!#########!#######!" "!#######!!!!!!!!!!!#######!" "!#######!!#######!########!" "!######!#!!#####!!!#######!" "!####!!!##!!#!#!!#!!!!####!" "!###!##!!##!!!!!##!!##!###!" "!##!###!#!##!!!##!##!##!##!" "!##!##!##!###!!!!!!!!##!##!" "!##!#####!###!###!#####!##!" "!###!###!#########!###!###!" "!####!!!###########!!!####!" "!#########################!" "!#########################!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x15 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/UTILITY/Utility (gas, electric, water) services/Non NT String1=0x04,recycling ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FFCA00 DayXpm="18 16 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #4700B3" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ! ! " " ! !" " ! ! " " ! " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x17 ;GRMN_TYPE: /TRANSIT_SERVICES/Transit services/Non NT String1=0x02,Haltestelle String2=0x04,station ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="12 12 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" "# c #399500" "% c #BDCA00" "? c #BDFF00" "$ c #7BCA00" "* c #FFFF00" " c none" " !!!!!!!! " " !!#%??%#!! " "!!$******$!!" "!#*##**##*#!" "!%*##**##*%!" "!?*#!##!#*?!" "!?*#!##!#*?!" "!%*##**##*%!" "!#*##**##*#!" "!!$******$!!" " !!#%??%#!! " " !!!!!!!! " ;123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x030 SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Emergency and Government/POLICE_STATION/Police station/Non NT String1=0x02,Polizei String2=0x04,police ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="27 17 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0030B4" "# c #0000FF" "% c #BDCAFF" "? c #FFFFFF" " c none" " ! ! ! !" " ! ! ! !" " ! ! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!#!! " " !!!!!!!%!#!! " " !!!!!!!!%!#! " " !!!!!!!!!%!! " " !???!!!!!%!! " " !?!#?!!!!%!! " " !?!#?!!!!%!! " " !???!!!!!%!! " " !?!!!!!!!%!! " " !?!!!!!!!%!! " " !?!!!!!!!%!! " " !!!!!!!!!%!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x030 SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Emergency and Government/HOSPITAL/Hospital/Non NT String1=0x02,Doctor String2=0x04,health ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="32 22 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #000020" "% c #FF3000" "? c #E6E6E6" " c none" " !!!##!!! " " !!####!! " " !######! " " !!####!! 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" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;1234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x030 SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: /COMMUNITY_CENTER/Community center/Non NT String1=0x02,Kommunikationszentrum ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="10 14 32 2" Colormode=0 "!! c #F8FCF8" "!# c #000000" "!% c #00A4F8" "!? c #00ACF8" "!$ c #00A8F8" "!* c #009CF8" "!= c #0088F8" "!1 c #0074F8" "!2 c #00B8F8" "!3 c #00C0F8" "!4 c #00B0F8" "!5 c #007CF8" "!6 c #00C8F8" "!7 c #00E8F8" "!8 c #0084F8" "!9 c #00CCF8" "#! c #00B4F8" "## c #0080F8" "#% c #0090F8" "#? c #0078F8" "#$ c #0098F8" "#* c #006CF8" "#= c #0058F8" "#1 c #0064F8" "#2 c #0068F8" "#3 c #0060F8" "#4 c #0054F8" "#5 c #0044F8" "#6 c #0048F8" "#7 c #004CF8" "#8 c #003CF8" "#9 c #0018F8" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!!" "!!!#!%!?!$!*!=!1!#!!" "!!!#!2!!!3!4!!!5!#!!" "!!!#!6!!!7!2!!!8!#!!" "!!!#!3!7!9#!!*##!#!!" "!!!#!4!2#!!%#%#?!#!!" "!!!##$!!!*#%!!#*!#!!" "!!!#!5!!###?!!#=!#!!" "!!!##1#2#2#3#4#5!#!!" "!!!##6#7#7#5#8#9!#!!" "!!!##9#9#9#9#9#9!#!!" "!!!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;1234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x030 SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Emergency and Government/GOV_OFFICE/Government Office/Non NT String1=0x02,Öffentliches Geb ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="5 5 3 1" Colormode=0 "! c #F8FCF8" "# c #3900FF" "% c #7B00FF" "!!!!!" "!#%%!" "!%#%!" "!%%%!" "!!!!!" ;12345 [end] [_point] Type=0x030 SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Emergency and Government/FIRE_DEPT/Fire department/Non NT String1=0x02,Feuerwehr String2=0x04,firestation ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="20 22 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FF0000" "% c #FF0020" "? c #FFCA00" " c none" " " " " " " " !!!!!!!! " " !######! " " !######! " " !##!!!!! " " !####! " " !####! " " !##!!! 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"!######%%%%######!" "!##%###%%%%###%##!" "!#%%%##%!!!##%%%#!" "!##%%#%%##%%#%%##!" "!###%%%%##%%%%###!" "!####%######%####!" "!################!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x044 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x04,bike charging ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#313131 DayXpm="17 21 8 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD6500" "# c #FF6500" "% c #000020" "? c #FFFF00" "$ c #390000" "* c #FF9500" "= c #FF6520" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!#####%%%###!!" " !####%##%#####!" " !###%%%%%#####!" " !####%###%####!" " !##%%#%#%#%%##!" " !#%%%%#%#%%%%#!" " !#%%%%###%%%%#!" " !##%%#####%%##!" " !#########?###!" " !##$$$$$##?###!" " !##$*$*$#$?$##!" " !##$?$?$#$$$##!" " !##$$$$$#%%%##!" " !###$$$###$###!" " !##=$$$$$$$###!" " !###$$$#######!" " !###%%%#######!" " !###%%%#######!" " !!###########!!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x046 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Bar String2=0x04,Bar ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="17 16 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00CA00" "# c #C5C5C5" "% c #FFFFFF" "? c #414141" "$ c #FFCA00" " c none" " " " !!!!!!!! " " !!####!!! " " !!#%%%%#!!! " " !#%%%%%#!!! " " !????????!! " " !?%%%%%%?!!!" " !?%%%%%%???!" " !?$$$$$$?!?!" " !?$%%%$$?!?!" " !?$$%$$$?!?!" " !?$$$$$$?!?!" " !?$$$$$$??!!" " !?$$$$$$?!!!" " !!??????!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x046 SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Bar String2=0x04,Bar ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="17 16 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00CA00" "# c #C5C5C5" "% c #FFFFFF" "? c #414141" "$ c #FFCA00" " c none" " " " !!!!!!!! " " !!####!!! " " !!#%%%%#!!! " " !#%%%%%#!!! " " !????????!! " " !?%%%%%%?!!!" " !?%%%%%%???!" " !?$$$$$$?!?!" " !?$%%%$$?!?!" " !?$$%$$$?!?!" " !?$$$$$$?!?!" " !?$$$$$$??!!" " !?$$$$$$?!!!" " !!??????!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x04a SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Points of Interest/PICNIC_AREA/Picnic area/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Spielplatz String2=0x04,playground ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 DayXpm="18 13 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD3000" "# c #FF6500" "% c #FFCA6A" "? c #838383" "$ c #737373" " c none" " " " " " !! ##" " !!!! !!!" " !! !! !!! " "!! !! !!! " "!!##%#!! ?? #!! " " ###%## ?$$!!! " " ###%##?$$$$! " " ###%##?$$$$$? " " ###%##?$$$$$? " " ###%##?????? " " ######????? " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x04c SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Points of Interest/INFORMATION/Information/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,ref ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 DayXpm="20 15 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FF0000" "# c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!!!!!!!!" " !!!###!!!" " !!#!!!#!!" " !#!!!!!#!" " !#!!!!!#!" " !#!!!!!#!" " !!#!!!#!!" " !!!###!!!" " !!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x04c SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,ref ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x04e SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Points of Interest/RESTROOMS/Restrooms/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,WC String2=0x04,wc ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="10 14 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD3000" "# c #390000" "% c #FFFFFF" "? c #BD0000" " c none" " " " !!!!!!! " " #!#%#%#!#" " #!%%#%%!#" " #!#%%%#!#" " #!#!%!#!#" " #!#!#!#!#" " #!#!#!#!#" " %!#!%!#%%" " %!%!%!%!#" " %!#!%!%!#" " #%#%#!#%%" " #!#!#!#!#" " ?????????" ;1234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x050 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Points of Interest/DRINKING_WATER/Drinking water/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Trinkwasser String2=0x04,Drinkingwater ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="18 13 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #202020" "# c #525252" "% c #A4A4A4" "? c #3900FF" "$ c #FFFFFF" "* c #D5D5D5" " c none" " !########## " " !########## " " !#%%%%%%#### " " !#% #### " " !#% ?????? " " !#% ?????? " " !#% ????$???" " !#%* ?????$??" " !#%* ?????$??" " !#%* ????$???" " !#%* ?????? " " !#% ???? " " ?? " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x051 SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Rettungspunkt String2=0x04,emergency Point ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="12 14 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00CA00" "# c #FFFFFF" "% c #FF0000" " c none" " " " " " !!!!!!! " " !!!###!!!" " !!!###!!!" " !!!###!!!" " #########" " #########" " #########" " !!!###!!!" " !!!###!!!" " !!!###!!!" " !!!!!!!!!" " %!%!%!% " ;123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x052 SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Schloss String2=0x04,Castle ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No DayXpm="20 14 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7B6500" "# c #838383" "% c #000000" "? c #000020" " c none" " " " " " " " !! !! !! !! " " !! !! !! !! " " #####!#!!#####! " " !#%%##!!!!!%%#! " " #!%%!!%%%##%%#! " " #!#!!%%%%%!###! " " #!###%%%%%!!!!! " " !##!!%%%%%!!!!! " " ##!##!?????#!!###" " ####!#?????##!#!!" " ######?????###!!#" ;12345678901234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x052 SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Ruine String2=0x04,Ruin ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No DayXpm="17 13 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7B6500" "# c #838383" "% c #000000" " c none" " " " " " !!" " !! !! " " !! !! " " #### !# ! " " #% ##!! " " % !!%%% ! " " # ! !%%%%% " " # ##%%%%%! " " !##!!%%%%!!! " " !#!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x052 SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Fort String2=0x04,Fort ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No DayXpm="19 11 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7B6500" "# c #838383" "% c #000000" " c none" " " " " " " " !! !! !! !!" " !! !! !! !!" " #####!#!!#####!" " !#%%##!!!!!%%#!" " #!%%!!%%%##%%#!" " #!#!!%%%%%!###!" " #!###%%%%%!!!!!" " !##!!%%%%%!!!!!" ;1234567890123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x052 SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Tor String2=0x04,city gate ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="13 10 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFCA00" "# c #838383" "% c #414141" " c none" " " " ! " " !#! " " !#%#! " " !!!!!!! " " !##%%%##!" " !#%!%!%#!" " !#%!%!%#!" " !#%!%!%#!" " !#%!%!%#!" ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x052 SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Monument String2=0x04,Monument ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="26 25 9 1" Colormode=16 "! c #313131" "# c #737373" "% c #B4B4B4" "? c #FFFFFF" "$ c #000000" "* c #E6E6E6" "= c #396500" "1 c #414141" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !! " " !##! " " !#%%#! " " !#%??%#! " " !!!!!!!!!! " " !!########!! " " !#!#%%%%%%#!#! " " !#%$#%****%#!%#! " " !#%?!#%*??*%#!?%#!" " !#%?!#%*??*%#!?%#!" " =1#%!#%****%#!%#!=" " ==!#!#%%%%%%#!#!==" " ===!!########!!===" " ====!!!!!!!!!!====" " =====!#%??%#!=====" " ======!#%%#!======" " =======!##!=======" " ========!!========" ;12345678901234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x052 SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Grenzstein String2=0x04,Boundary Stone ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="20 16 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #737373" "# c #000000" "% c #FF0000" "? c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " !!!!!!! " " !#######!" " !#%%%%%#!" " !#%%%%%#!" " !#?????#!" " !#?????#!" " !#%%%%%#!" " !#%%%%%#!" " !#?????#!" " !#?????#!" " !#%%%%%#!" " !#%%%%%#!" ;12345678901234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x054 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Points of Interest/SWIMMING_AREA/Swimming area/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Sportstätte String2=0x04,sport ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="8 10 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7B0000" "# c #00CA00" "% c #FFFFFF" " c none" " ! " " !!!!! " " !!###!!" " !%###%!" " !!###!!" " !!###!!" " !%###%!" " !!###!!" " !!!!! " " ! " ;12345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x054 SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Sport String2=0x04,soccer ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="9 11 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " !! " " !!##!! " " !!!##! " " !#!!!!#!" " !###!!#!" " !!!!#! " " !!##!! " " !! " ;123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x056 SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Flitzer-Blitzer String2=0x04,speed camera ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF0000 DayXpm="32 17 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #414141" "# c #FF6500" "% c #949494" "? c #FFFFD5" "$ c #000000" "* c #B4B4B4" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!#!!!!!!!" " !!!!%%#?#%%!!!!" " !!%%#???#%%!! " " !!%#?????#%!! " " !!%%#???#%%!! " " !!%%%#?#%%%!! " " !!%%%%#%%%%!! " " !!%%%!$!%%%!! " " !!!%%!!!%%!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!! " " $!!!* " " $!!!* " " $!!!* " " $!!!* " " $!!!* " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x056 SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Gipfel String2=0x04,Peak ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 DayXpm="29 17 9 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #838383" "% c #FFFFFF" "? c #737373" "$ c #7B6500" "* c #BD6500" "= c #39CA00" "1 c #B4B4B4" " c none" " " " " " " " !!! " " !!##! " " !##%## ! " " !#?%%### " " !#?%%%###! " " !#?$$$%%*##! " " #?$$%$$$%*# ! " " !!??$$$$$$$$*## " " !##?*$$$$$*$$$ # ! " " !##?$$$$$$$$$$$?## " " !#??=$==1$=$$$$$$# ! " " !#*$=1$$$$$$=$==*=##!!" " !====$=$====$*=*=??!!!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x059 SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Heli String2=0x04,Heli ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="23 11 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #390000" "# c #C5C5C5" "% c #838383" "? c #313131" " c none" " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " ! # " " !!!!!! #! " " !%%?%%!!!!!!!!! " " !!!?%%?%%??! # " " !??????! #" " !!!!!! " " ! ! " " ! ! ! " " !!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest/CEMETERY/Cemetery/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Friedhof String2=0x04,cemetary ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="19 8 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" " c none" " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !!!!!!" " !!!!!!" " !! " " !! " ;1234567890123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest/CHURCH/Church, mosque, etc./Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Kunst String2=0x04,Art ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 DayXpm="16 15 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFCA00" "# c #009500" " c none" " " " " " !!!!!#!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!####!!!!!" " !!!!!!!##!!!!!" " !!!!!######!!!" " !!!####!#####!" " !!####!!!###!!" " !!###!!!####!!" " !!##!!!###!##!" " !!#!!!!##!!!#!" " !!!!!!##!!!!!!" " !!!!###!!!!!!!" " !!!!##!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest/LEVEE/Levee/Non NT, NT ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="18 16 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #E6E6E6" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !" ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest/MILITARY/Military point of interest/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Militär String2=0x04,Military ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="25 17 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD956A" "# c #000020" "% c #838383" "? c #000000" "$ c #626262" "* c #B4B4B4" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !#!!! " " ##!!%%%%%%%%%%" " ??!??!?!##!####" " !!!!!!!!! " " $$?**#**??$ " " $??**#**??$ " " $???????$ " " $$$$$$$$$ " ;1234567890123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x0d ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest/OILFIELD/Oilfield/Non NT, NT String1=0x04,petroleum_well ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="22 16 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000000" " c none" " " " !!! " " !!!! " " !!!! " " !!!!!!!" " !!!! !!!" " !!!! !!!" " !!!! ! !!" " !!!! ! !" " !!!! !!! !" " !!! !" " ! ! !" " ! ! ! " " !!!!! !" " ! ! ! " " !!!!! !" ;1234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x0f ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Ampel String2=0x04,traffic signal ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="7 17 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000000" "# c #737373" "% c #00FF00" "? c #FFFF00" "$ c #FF0000" " c none" " !!!!! " "!##%##!" "!#%%%#!" "!%%%%%!" "!#%%%#!" "!##%##!" "!##?##!" "!#???#!" "!?????!" "!#???#!" "!##?##!" "!##$##!" "!#$$$#!" "!$$$$$!" "!#$$$#!" "!##$##!" " !!!!! " ;1234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x10 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Uhr String2=0x04,clock ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="16 14 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFCA00" "% c #FFFFFF" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!! " " !#####!!#####!" " !###!!!!!!###!" " !##!%%!!%%!##!" " !#!%%!!!%!%!#!" " !#!%%%!!%%%!#!" " !!%!%%!!!!!!!!" " !!%%%%!!!!!!!!" " !#!%!%%%%%!!#!" " !#!%%!%%%!%!#!" " !##!%%%!!%!##!" " !###!!%%!!###!" " !#####!!#####!" " !!!!!!!!!!!! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x10 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Kran String2=0x04,crane ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="26 26 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7B6500" "# c #525252" "% c #D5D5D5" "? c #A4A4A4" "$ c #000020" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ### ! ! ! ! ! ! !" " ### ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! % ? " " ! ? " " ! ! ? " " ! ? " " ! ! ? " " ! ? " " ! ! ? " " ! ? " " ! ! $$ " " ! $ " " ! ! " " ! " " ! ! " " ! " " !!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x11 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest/TOWER/Tower/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Turm String2=0x04,tower ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="20 32 10 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FF0000" "% c #FFFFFF" "? c #838383" "$ c #202020" "* c #D5D5D5" "= c #FFFF6A" "1 c #B4B4B4" "2 c #313131" " c none" " !!! " " !#! " " !%! " " !#! " " !%! " " !%! " " !%! " " !%! " " !%! " " !%! " " !!!!!%!!!!!!" " !??$$??%%*!!" " !?=$$=?%=*!!" " !!!12?%1!!! " " !12?%1! " " !12?%1! " " !12=%1! " " !12?%1! " " !12?%1! " " !12?%1! " " !12=%1! " " !12?%1! " " !12?%1! " " !12?%1! " " !12=%1! " " !12?%1! " " !12?%1! " " !12?%1! " " !12?%1! " " !12?%1! " " !12?%1! " " !!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x12 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest/TRAIL/Trailhead/Non NT, NT ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="18 16 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #E6E6E6" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !" ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x14 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest/WELL/Well/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Trinkwasser String2=0x04,Drinkingwater ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="18 13 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #202020" "# c #525252" "% c #A4A4A4" "? c #3900FF" "$ c #FFFFFF" "* c #D5D5D5" " c none" " !########## " " !########## " " !#%%%%%%#### " " !#% #### " " !#% ?????? " " !#% ?????? " " !#% ????$???" " !#%* ?????$??" " !#%* ?????$??" " !#%* ????$???" " !#%* ?????? " " !#% ???? " " ?? " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x15 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest/HISTORICAL_TOWN/Historical (ghost) town/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Wasserbölles String2=0x04,waterboelles ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="24 26 11 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FFFFFF" "% c #414141" "? c #737373" "$ c #D5D5D5" "* c #B4B4B4" "= c #838383" "1 c #202020" "2 c #FFFF6A" "3 c #313131" " c none" " " " " " " " " " !!! " " !#! " " !#! " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!%%%%%%%!!!!!!!?$!!!" " !! %%%%%!#!?????$*! " " !!!!!%!!#!???$**! " " !!!==11==#?$**!! " " !!=2112=#2**!! " " !!!*3=#*!!! " " !*3=#*! " " !*3=#*! " " !*32#*! " " !*3=#*! " " !*3=#*! " " !*3=#*! " " !*32#*! " " !*3=#*! " " !*3=#*! " " !*3=#*! " " !*32#*! " " !!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x16 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest/SUBDIVISION/Non NT, NT/ String1=0x02,Mast String2=0x04,mast ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="14 26 8 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FF0000" "% c #FFFFFF" "? c #202020" "$ c #838383" "* c #FFFF6A" "= c #313131" " c none" " !!" " !!" " ##" " ##" " !!" " !%" " !%" " !!" " !!" " !%" " !%" " ?$" " ?*" " =$" " =$" " =$" " =*" " =$" " =$" " =$" " =*" " =$" " =$" " =$" " =*" " !!" ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x17 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Hütte String2=0x04,shelter ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="17 14 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #D5D5D5" "# c #390000" "% c #FF9500" "? c #7B6500" "$ c #BD956A" "* c #393000" " c none" " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!#%!!!!!!!" " !!!!!###%%%!!!!!" " !!!####?$%%%%!!!" " !#####??$$%%%%%!" " #####???$$$%%%%%" " !!!****!!****!!!" " !!!***!!!!***!!!" " !!!***!!!!***!!!" " !!!**********!!!" " !*!**********!*!" " !*****!!!!*****!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x18 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Vermessungspunkt String2=0x04,Survey Point ExtendedLabels=N DayXpm="16 16 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !" ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x19 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Flaggenmast String2=0x04,Flagpole ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="16 16 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !" ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x1a ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Wasser String2=0x04,Water ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="21 13 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #390000" "# c #3900FF" "% c #FFFFFF" " c none" " !! " " !!!! " " !!##!! " " !!####!! " " !!######!! " " !! ###### !! " " !! ####%### !!" " #####%## " " #####%## " " ####%### " " ###### " " #### " " ## " ;123456789012345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x1b ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Postbox String2=0x04,mailbox ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="8 6 3 1" Colormode=0 "! c #390000" "# c #FFFF00" "% c #000020" "!!!!!!!!" "!######!" "!#%%%%#!" "!######!" "!######!" "!!!!!!!!" ;12345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/WATERFALL/Waterfall/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Wasserfall String2=0x04,Waterfall ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="22 13 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #3900FF" "# c #FFFFFF" " c none" " !! ! !" " ! !! ! " " ! !!!! ! ! " " !! !!!! ! " " !!!!!!!! ! " " !!!!!! " " !!!!#!!! " " !!!!!#!! " " !!!!!#!! " " !!!!#!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!! " " !! " ;1234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/GLACIER/Glacier/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Gletscher String2=0x04,glacier ExtendedLabels=N DayXpm="22 15 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7BCAFF" "# c #00CAFF" "% c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!### " " !!%!### " " !!!%%%%%#### " " #######%%%## " " ##%%%#" " ### " ;1234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Insel String2=0x04,islet ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#FF6500 DayXpm="11 10 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FF0000" "# c #FF6500" "% c #FF9500" " c none" " " " !!!!! " " ! ### ! " " ! %%%%% !" " !#%%%%%#!" " !#%%%%%#!" " !#%%%%%#!" " ! %%%%% !" " ! ### ! " " !!!!! " ;12345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x0f ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/RESERVOIR/Reservoir/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Becken String2=0x04,Basin ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="18 16 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #E6E6E6" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !" ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x10 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/SEA/Sea/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Wasser String2=0x04,Water ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#3900FF DayXpm="18 13 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #3900FF" "# c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " !! " " !!!! " " !!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!!#!!!" " !!!!!#!!" " !!!!!#!!" " !!!!#!!!" " !!!!!! " " !!!! " " !! " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x11 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/SPRING/Spring/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Spring String2=0x04,Spring ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="13 13 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #E6E6E6" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !" ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x12 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/STREAM/Stream/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Stream String2=0x04,Stream ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="16 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #E6E6E6" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !" ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x13 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/SWAMP/Swamp/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Feuchtgebiet String2=0x04,Wetland ExtendedLabels=N DayXpm="17 15 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #E6E6E6" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !" ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/ARCH/Arch/Non NT, NT String1=0x04,cave entrance ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No DayXpm="16 14 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #838383" "# c #B34700" "% c #000000" "? c #101010" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !##! " " !!##!! " " ##%%## " " !#%%%%#!" " !!????!!" " ##???%##" " ##???%##" ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Baum String2=0x04,tree ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="16 5 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #47B300" "# c #B34700" " c none" " ! " " !!!" " !!!" " # " " # " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/BEACH/Beach/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Strand String2=0x04,Beach ExtendedLabels=N DayXpm="17 15 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #E6E6E6" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !" ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/BENCH/Bench/Non NT, NT String1=0x01, ExtendedLabels=N DayXpm="16 16 1 1" Colormode=0 "! c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/CAPE/Cape/Non NT, NT String1=0x01, ExtendedLabels=N DayXpm="7 7 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;1234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/CLIFF/Cliff/Non NT, NT String1=0x04,cliff ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 DayXpm="27 14 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #CA5000" "# c #101010" "% c #737373" "? c #B34700" "$ c #838383" "* c #50CA00" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ! " " ##%%??? ? " " #$$%!?????!??? $ #" " #$$%???????????%$$ " " #$%%*?** " ;123456789012345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/CRATER/Crater/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Windmühle String2=0x04,windmill ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="23 26 9 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #FF0000" "% c #FFFFFF" "? c #202020" "$ c #525252" "* c #D5D5D5" "= c #313131" "1 c #838383" " c none" " ! !!! " " !! !#! " " !! !%! " " !! !#! " " !! !%! " " !! !%! !!" " !!!%! !!!!" " !!%! !!!! " " !%!!!!! " " !!%!!! " " !!!%! 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" " !#%??%#! " " !!!!!!!!!! " " !!########!! " " !#!#%%%%%%#!#! " " !#%$#%****%#!%#! " " !#%?!#%*??*%#!?%#!" " !#%?!#%*??*%#!?%#!" " =#%!#%****%#!%#! " " !#!#%%%%%%#!#! " " !!########!! " " !!!!!!!!!! " " !#%??%#! " " !#%%#! " " !##! " " !! " ;12345678901234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x12 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/RESERVE/Reserve/Non NT, NT String1=0x04,nature_reserve ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x13 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/RIDGE/Ridge/Non NT, NT String1=0x04,pass ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 DayXpm="17 9 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #737373" "# c #BD0000" "% c #313131" "? c #000000" " c none" "!!#! !#!!" "!!!# #!!!" " %%#% %#%% " " %%%#?????#%%% " " ############# " " %%%#?????#%%% " " %%#% %#%% " "!!!# #!!!" "!!#! !#!!" ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x14 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/ROCK/Rock/Non NT, NT String1=0x04,rock ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 DayXpm="18 14 7 1" Colormode=16 "! c #101010" "# c #737373" "% c #BD3000" "? c #838383" "$ c #BD6500" "* c #39CA00" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!##%%% " " !??#$%%! " " !??#%%%%!!" " !?##*%**!!" ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x15 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/SLOPE/Slope/Non NT, NT String1=0x04,saddle ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 DayXpm="17 4 6 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #626262" "% c #000000" "? c #313131" "$ c #BD0000" " c none" " ! ! " " ### ### " " %%??? $ ????% " "%%?%%%$$$$$%%%%%%" ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x16 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/SUMMIT/Summit, top of a hill or mountain/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Gipfel String2=0x04,Peak ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#7B0000 DayXpm="29 17 9 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #838383" "% c #FFFFFF" "? c #737373" "$ c #7B6500" "* c #BD6500" "= c #39CA00" "1 c #B4B4B4" " c none" " " " " " " " !!! " " !!##! " " !##%## ! " " !#?%%### " " !#?%%%###! " " !#?$$$%%*##! " " #?$$%$$$%*# ! " " !!??$$$$$$$$*## " " !##?*$$$$$*$$$ # ! " " !##?$$$$$$$$$$$?## " " !#??=$==1$=$$$$$$# ! " " !#*$=1$$$$$$=$==*=##!!" " !====$=$====$*=*=??!!!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x18 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/WOODS/Wooded area/Non NT, NT String1=0x02,Wald String2=0x04,Forest ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD6500 DayXpm="10 15 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #EEDB11" "# c #009500" "% c #BD0000" " c none" " " " " " !!!!!!!!" " !!!##!!!" " !!####!!" " !######!" " !######!" " !!####!!" " !!!##!!!" " !!!%%!!!" " !!!%%!!!" " !!!%%!!!" " !!!%%!!!" " !!%%%%!!" " !!!!!!!!" ;1234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x072 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Stromgenerator String2=0x04,power generator ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="17 23 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #E6E6E6" " c none" " " " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !#############!" " !#######!!####!" " !#######!!####!" " !######!!#####!" " !#####!!!#####!" " !#####!!######!" " !####!!#######!" " !####!!##!!###!" " !###!!!!!!!###!" " !###!!!##!!###!" " !###!###!!####!" " !#######!!####!" " !######!!#####!" " !######!!#####!" " !###!#!!######!" " !###!!!!!!####!" " !####!!!!#####!" " !####!!#######!" " !#############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x072 SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Strommast String2=0x04,powertower ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="8 7 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #414141" " c none" " ! " " ! " " ! " " !!!!!" " ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " ;12345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x072 SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Wassermühle String2=0x04,generator water ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="17 23 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000020" "# c #E6E6E6" "% c #0000FF" " c none" " " " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !#############!" " !#######!!####!" " !#######!!####!" " !###%%#!!###%%!" " !#%%#%%!!#%%##!" " !%%###!%#%%##%!" " !####!%%%#####!" " !####!!##!!###!" " !###!!!!!!!#%%!" " !###%%!##!%%#%!" " !#%%!#%#!%%###!" " !%%####%!!####!" " !######!!#####!" " !####%%!!#%%%#!" " !#%%%%%!#%%#%#!" " !%%#!!!%%%####!" " !####!!!%#####!" " !####!!#######!" " !#############!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x072 SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x02,Atomkraftwerk String2=0x04,atom power ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No DayXpm="18 19 4 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000000" "# c #FFFF00" "% c #000020" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " !!!#####!!! " " !!!!!###!!!!! " " !!!!!!!#!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!###!!!!!!" " !!!!!#!!!#!!!!!" " ######!!!######" " ######!!!######" " ###############" " ######!!!######" " #####!!!!!#####" " ####!!!!!!!####" " ####!!!!!!%####" " ####!!!!!#### " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x134 SubType=0x1f ;GRMN_TYPE: User Customizable Points/CUSTOMIZABLE_POINT_1024/User customizable point type/Non NT, NT String1=0x01, ExtendedLabels=N DayXpm="6 6 5 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00A000" "# c #F8FCF8" "% c #000000" "? c #00C800" " c none" " ## " " #%%# " "#%??%#" "#%?!%#" " #%%# " " ## " ;123456 [end]