> What you see is the result of the multipolygon algorithm that cuts the
> sea areas into distinct polygons to cut out the land area. The white
> stripes are the polygon lines. But there is no space between the
> polygons. So obviously that should not the problem. The problem is that
> Garmins draw algorithm seems to create the white lines.
well, sorry, I meant the thin areas, not the white stripes between. These thin areas
are likely to be thrown away when coordinates are rounded. I think
this explains the white stripes that I see in the QLandkarte GT screenshot.
> Once again: It does not make sense to improve the PrecompSeaGenerator
> because the main task it does is to calculate the multipolygons. And so
> the only thing that could be improved is the mp algorithm itself.
yes, I agree. So I'll try to find a better mp algorithm.