Hey Harri,
do not retire an old friend easily.
Re-reading my mail, I may have falsely assumed things as given
and been to brief in places.
Rereading yours carefully, I think, I see potential tripping
points now.
Why not give it one last fight?
Nevertheless, the following is based on trial 'n error only
(quite old trials even, from when I started to experiment with
mkgmap), but I manually went through all the motions again right
now and the merged maps load well. If things are misinterpreted
along the way, please everybody pipe in .
As for the potential tripping points:
Lets merge an .img file of Mallorca from 2 separate (simple) .imgs
(built using the same, only renamed typefile):
felix@TCHd:~/Downloads/mergetest$ ls -al
insgesamt 92
drwxr-xr-x 2 felix felix 4096 Nov 26 16:41 .
drwxr-xr-x 13 felix felix 4096 Nov 26 16:41 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 felix felix 61440 Feb 27 2022 Malle-Acuts-6410.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 felix felix 20480 Feb 27 2022 Malle-Bcuts-6420.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 felix felix 710 Feb 24 2020 options.arg
felix@TCHd:~/Downloads/mergetest$ gmt -i Malle-Acuts-6410.img
gmt v0.8.220.853b CC BY-SA (C) 2011-2015 AP www.gmaptool.eu
File: Malle-Acuts-6410.img, length 61440
Header: 27.02.2022 19:14:05, DSKIMG, XOR 00, V 18.15, Ms 0
Mapset: TKM_Malle-Acuts-6410
Map length s-f CP prio PID FID name
64106410 MPC 53363 3 1252 60 T 1 6410 TKM_Malle-Acuts-6410
06410FM1 TYP 888 1 1252 1 6410
00006410 SRT 912 1
Data MPS
F: PID 1, FID 6410, TrackMap
V: OSM map set (0)
felix@TCHd:~/Downloads/mergetest$ gmt -i Malle-Bcuts-6420.img
gmt v0.8.220.853b CC BY-SA (C) 2011-2015 AP www.gmaptool.eu
File: Malle-Bcuts-6420.img, length 20480
Header: 27.02.2022 19:14:05, DSKIMG, XOR 00, V 18.15, Ms 0
Mapset: TKM_Malle-Bcuts-6420
Map length s-f CP prio PID FID name
64206420 MPC 12475 3 1252 60 T 1 6420 TKM_Malle-Bcuts-6420
06420FM1 TYP 888 1 1252 1 6420
00006420 SRT 912 1
Data MPS
F: PID 1, FID 6420, TrackMap
V: OSM map set (0)
felix@TCHd:~/Downloads/mergetest$ cat options.arg
felix@TCHd:~/Downloads/mergetest$ mkgmap -c options.arg
felix@TCHd:~/Downloads/mergetest$ ls -al
insgesamt 184
drwxr-xr-x 2 felix felix 4096 Nov 26 17:31 .
drwxr-xr-x 13 felix felix 4096 Nov 26 16:41 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 felix felix 79360 Nov 26 17:31 gmapsupp.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 felix felix 5120 Nov 26 17:31 Malle-6400.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 felix felix 157 Nov 26 17:31 Malle-6400.tdb
-rw-r--r-- 1 felix felix 61440 Feb 27 2022 Malle-Acuts-6410.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 felix felix 20480 Feb 27 2022 Malle-Bcuts-6420.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 felix felix 319 Nov 26 17:30 options.arg
felix@TCHd:~/Downloads/mergetest$ gmt -i gmapsupp.img
gmt v0.8.220.853b CC BY-SA (C) 2011-2015 AP www.gmaptool.eu
File: gmapsupp.img, length 79360
Header: 26.11.2022 17:31:21, DSKIMG, XOR 00, V 8.15, Ms 0
Mapset: TKM-Malle-6400
Map length s-f CP prio PID FID name
64106410 MPC 53363 3 1252 60 T 1 6410 TKM_Malle-Acuts-6410
06410FM1 TYP 888 1 1252 1 6410
00006410 SRT 912 1
64206420 MPC 12475 3 1252 60 T 1 6420 TKM_Malle-Bcuts-6420
06420FM1 TYP 888 1 1252 1 6420
00006420 SRT 912 1
Data MPS
F: PID 1, FID 6410, TrackMap
F: PID 1, FID 6420, TrackMap
V: OSM map set (0)
Discard ...6400.tdb and ...6400.img and rename gmapsupp.img, if
you so like. Loads fine, identical to stacking the individual
These are very simple map overlays I built from scratch from .gpx
tracks only; very few ways and 1 tile per map only.
But the process functions as well, if I use a small bbox full
"basemap" (FID 5403) and my much wider bbox transparent
cyclenetwork overlay (FID 7121), both built from OSM data as
outlined above. Here the merged map has way more tiles, shows many
elements only for the small bbox and only the CN ways outside, but
it is only based on my "BICYCLIN TYP" (used for 7121) and the
(mkgmap?) inbuild standard typ for the rest, but not the "EDGE_NL-
TYP" (used for 5403). See my initial remarks regarding typefiles.
It's not that easy to fix that sample on the fly (since both
typefiles declare identical element types differently), but I
think, separating that and using one typefile for both maps
declaring all elements unique would do the trick.
felix@TCHd:~/Downloads/mergetest2$ gmt
-i gmapsupp.img
gmt v0.8.220.853b CC BY-SA (C) 2011-2015 AP www.gmaptool.eu
File: gmapsupp.img, length
Header: 26.11.2022 17:57:05, DSKIMG, XOR 00, V 8.15,
Ms 0
Mapset: Harri-4567
Map length s-f CP prio PID FID name
54030001 MPC 2754928 3 1252 31 1 5403
54030002 MPC 3449556 3 1252 31 1 5403
54030003 MPC 2673582 3 1252 31 1 5403
EDGE_NL- TYP 28399 1 1252 1 5403
00005403 SRT 912 1
71210001 MPC 128048 3 1252 40 T 1 7121
71210002 MPC 107451 3 1252 40 T 1 7121 DE-Husum
71210003 MPC 109457 3 1252 40 T 1 7121 DE-Husum
71210004 MPC 146058 3 1252 40 T 1 7121
71210040 MPC 76301 3 1252 40 T 1 7121 NL-Den
71210041 MPC 77985 3 1252 40 T 1 7121
71210161 MPC 133738 3 1252 40 T 1 7121
BICYCLIN TYP 842 1 1252 1 7121
00007121 SRT 912 1
Data MPS
F: PID 1, FID 7121, osm_dep-nwh-bcsurf-wide_7121
F: PID 1, FID 5403, osm_deh-tc_5403
V: OSM map set (0)
I'm somewhat pressed on time atm to fully check that last assumption, but I will put that on my bucket-list too, at least to evaluate, if this tecnique (merging layers of different draw priority into one final map) finally allows, to control the draw-priority of elements (e.g. ways), at least to some degree. That is, to make sure your oneway arrows get plottet on top of the relevant roads...
I did one final test though; merging 2 maps created using the same
typefile, but with different, non-overlapping bboxes. No problem!
Please note, the FID 5406 maps typefile (EDGE_NL-
TYP) is not even listed by gmt, hence not even included
by mkgmap. That would (will?) be my way to tackle this task.
felix@TCHd:~/Downloads/mergetest3$ gmt -i
gmt v0.8.220.853b CC BY-SA (C) 2011-2015 AP www.gmaptool.eu
File: gmapsupp.img, length 147324928
Header: 26.11.2022 18:45:09, DSKIMG, XOR 00, V 8.15,
Ms 0
Mapset: Harri-4567
Map length s-f CP prio PID FID name
54030001 MPC 2754928 3 1252 31 1 5403
EDGE_NL- TYP 28399 1 1252 1 5403
00005403 SRT 912 1
54060001 MPC 4410896 3 1252 31 1 5406
54060030 MPC 2392746 3 1252 31 1 5406
00005406 SRT 912 1
Data MPS
F: PID 1, FID 5406, osm_deo_5406
F: PID 1, FID 5403, osm_deh-tc_5403
V: OSM map set (0)
Please keep me posted, if you give it another try.
Cheers Felix