On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 05:43:53PM +0000, Gary Bamford wrote:
> I have seen something similar, but only when i copy a map to the gps, rather than copy it to the sd card and then put the sd card into the gps, power cycling the gps after copying your new map may solve the problem
Again, thanks. In fact I remove the usdhc card from the Etrex - which
involves removing the batteries -, mount it on a PC (under linux), place
the map.img file into the /sdhc/Garmin/ directory, umount it and place
back into the Etrex. That is my regular routine for updating maps which
has worked for years.
So as you see, power cycling the gps is inherent in the process. In any
case, I changed the batteries anyway as a check when I first encountered
the problem.
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