are you sure this works fully?
I still have some strings in the display.jar output.
I updated the gmapsupp.img here:

The log file from display.jar decreased by around 15% in size - but there are still entries like:
00036727 | 00300e | 4d 30 2e 20             | [1082] str: M0.
0003672b | 003012 | eb 28                   | Index?  10475
0003672d | 003014 | 4d 31 2e 20             | [1083] str: M1.
00036731 | 003018 | ec 28                   | Index?  10476
00036733 | 00301a | 4d 32 2e 20             | [1084] str: M2.
00036737 | 00301e | ed 28                   | Index?  10477
00036739 | 003020 | 4d 33 2e 20             | [1085] str: M3.
0003673d | 003024 | ee 28                   | Index?  10478
0003673f | 003026 | 4d 34 2e 20             | [1086] str: M4.

Another thing which could be optimized - no number only entries. I don*t know any country where you would have an address with the street consisting of numbers only. Maybe this should be optional with another switch?  
I know addresses without a street name at all - it*s just name of the place plus a number. But I do not know streets with only number as name. Maybe some countries have that? Most definitely do no.
Even one letter and numbers is a bit strange. I think most streets have ref and name (e.g. B11 myname) - not sure if some searches for say B11 housenumber instead of myname housenumber. Maybe they would search for B11 myname housenumber.

On Sun, 5 Dec 2021 at 11:24, Gerd Petermann <> wrote:
Hi all,

as a result of the discussion with Felix in this thread
I've created a rather small patch to change the meaning of the --mdr7-del option.

With this patch the option has one more effect:
If --split-name-idex is in use, any additional entry produced by that
option which starts with a string that appears in the given list is skipped.

I think this is probably wanted by all users and it should not cause trouble with existing scripts.

For Felix sample with a single tile the PC index size decreases from 449.536 bytes to 409.600,
index in gmapsupp it's about 31kb bytes smaller.

With the default style the change should be much smaller.


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