with a old mkgmap version (mkgmap-r4286)
i use a rule like that (i use my own classification for polygons):
{ name '${addr:housenumber}' }
[0x01 level
{ name '${area_building}' }
[0x01 level 2]
If in the OSM-file a line like that
<tag k='area_building' v='my
home' />
it matches and in the map i have a polygon
with type 0x01 and the name 'my home'.
The line
<tag k='area_building' v=''
it matches and in the map i have a polygon
with type 0x01 and the housenumber or nothing as name.
With the actual mkgmap version (mkgmap-r4562)
this not work. With v='' i have no match. Is this a error or a feature
;) . How can i match this?
With best regards
Frank Stinner