No currently I integrate them with mapsettoolkit (could also use gmaptool). Then I either use the new Qlandkarte GT or Mapsource (and then sometimes transfer to GPS - not on most trial runs however). --gmapsupp would work too. I attach the bat file I'm using for your convenience (watch out for the different levels, you allways have to have the highest level included in map, otherwise it will fail):

cd d:\garmin\mkgmap_680\
del gmapsupp.img

del 73240000.img
java -jar -Xmx1256M mkgmap.jar --family-id=4012 --style-file=1 --product-id=1 --levels=0:24,1:23,2:22,3:21,4:18,5:15,6:10 --mapname=73240000 austria.osm

del 73240001.img
java -jar -Xmx1256M mkgmap.jar --family-id=4012 --style-file=2 --product-id=1 --levels=0:24,1:23,2:22,3:21,4:20 --mapname=73240001 austria.osm

del 73240002.img
java -jar -Xmx1256M mkgmap.jar --family-id=4012 --style-file=3 --product-id=1 --levels=0:24,1:23,2:22,3:21,4:20 --mapname=73240002 austria.osm

del 73240003.img
java -jar -Xmx1256M mkgmap.jar --family-id=4012 --style-file=4 --product-id=1 --levels=0:24,1:23,2:22,3:21,4:20 --mapname=73240003 austria.osm

del 73240004.img
java -jar -Xmx1256M mkgmap.jar --family-id=4012 --style-file=5 --product-id=1 --levels=0:24,1:23,2:22,3:21,4:20 --mapname=73240004 austria.osm

Andrew Ayre wrote:
Re: [mkgmap-dev] Size Limits


Thanks for the info. I'm trying to understand your process. So you take
a large OSM file and using style files generate multiple IMG files (one
contains roads, etc.). Then you use the --gmapsupp option to merge the
IMG files together into a single IMG file?

thanks, Andy

f.hartmann wrote:
> No, I too don't know. The resulting .img can be around 11-16MB big
> maximum right now. It mainly depends on your style-files. I noticed
> however that options like --net do increase the .img size, without
> however inflicting upon whether that error incurs when generating or not
> (--net produces about 20% bigger tiles).
> Instead of using osmosis (I wouldn't use osmcut, as it's too buggy for
> me - maybe others are more succesfull), you can also split up your
> maptiles by using several style-files. So you create one layer with all
> motorways, one layer with all residential roads, one layer for all
> polygons, one layer for all POI, etc... Just give them the same PID and
> FID and it works nicely. Garmin doesn't do such a seperation, so I don't
> know wheter it can break something. I do use this a lot however. I can
> easily get OSM files of 3-4 GB parsed without osmosis/osmcut by
> following this procedure. In Mapsource or on the gps you don't see a
> difference. When selecting maps for exporting to your gps you can't
> click on the maptiles in Mapsource however, but you have to capture them
> by drawing a rectangle while holding the left mouse button on selection.
> On click only one layer will be chosen, and not all. This is the only
> limitation I have found.
> I noticed however that the Garmin Topo Adria 2.11 map has maptiles of up
> to 29MB in size. The tiles themselves do not support autorouting, but do
> have a built-in DEM (which is in seperate subfiles if you decompile the
> .img). So I don't know where the real limit is of how big tiles you
> could theoretically produce. I do think that the Topo Adria 2.11 tiles
> are in NT format too. I think mkgmap writes non NT format tiles so the
> limitations are different.
> Felix
> Andrew Ayre wrote:
>> I have an OSM file which is 836Mb in size. When I try to convert it to
>> an IMG file I get:
>> "There is not enough room in a single garmin map for all the input data
>> The .osm file should be split into smaller pieces first."
>> I understand how to solve this problem (osmosis, osmcut, etc.) but I'm
>> wondering what the size limit is and whether it is imposed by the IMG
>> file format or mkgmap. Does anyone know?
>> thanks, Andy

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