I had another go with splitter this morning and it worked out. But it's strange.
If I split Hungary into 3-4 pieces, the eastern part is usually OK. But even if I split Hungary into 33 pieces I get bad areas on the western part or near Budapest. I splitted it to 36 and it worked with this command:
java -Xmx1024m -jar splitter.jar --max-nodes=110000 c:\osm\osmdata\hungary.osm.pbf

But why is it that Eastern Hungary is OK with a million nodes? Is it because it's not so well mapped and it has less relations and/or errors? Can I somehow rejoin the parts to have less areas?

It would be useful if mkgmap would send a message which areas it couldn't render and why.

Another question:
Was I totally wrong using Osmosis to split the data or is there a method which works with routing? To have counties is a bit nicer. I used the following (obviously breaks data):
call osmosis.bat --read-pbf c:\osm\osmdata\hungary.osm.pbf --bounding-polygon file=c:\osm\osmdata\county_boundaries\pest.poly completeWays=no completeRelations=no clipIncompleteEntities=true --write-xml c:\osm\osmdata\counties\pest.osm

2011/8/1 Carlos Dávila <cdavilam@orangecorreo.es>
 El 01/08/2011 22:36, Zsolt Bertalan escribió:
> Hello
> I try to render a Garmin map of Hungary from OSM data with my own
> rules and typ file. At first I used the Tile Splitter, but whatever I
> did, I didn't manage to render a good map.
splitter should work fine with Hungary data and you'll get inter-tile
routing working. Can you provide the command you used to split the data?
> Then I extracted county borders (Hungary has 19 counties), and used
> Osmosis with polygon borders to split the data. I managed it. But
> meanwhile CLC data was imported (I think this might be the culprit)
> and I can't do it again. Four counties have only half the data in
> Mapsource. They are not big, so I don't think that the size is the
> problem.
> I use MapSetToolkit with cgpsMapper to upload to MapSource. Here is an
> example of how I use mkgmap:
> java -Xmx1024M -ea -jar mkgmap.jar --charset=latin2 --route
> --style-file=c:\osm\mkgmap\resources\styles\herrbert --family-id=5000
> -c c:\osm\osmdata\counties\template.args --tdbfile --description="OSM
> Hungary" 50000.typ
If I remember right, -c option should be the last in you command line.
> I fI use the route option, cpreview crashes.
> I used osmosis with the following options:
> completeWays=no completeRelations=no clipIncompleteEntities=true
> I think this is not optimal for such a map, because I can't route
> between two counties (ways are split without a common node). But what
> are the best options?
> What am I doing wrong? If you need any more detail I'd be glad to
> provide it.

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