
I've committed three of five patches.

1) I think there is no need to change the default for option name-tag-list from "name" to "name,place_name",
but I would not mind to do it.

2) Reg. the patch for RuleFileReader:
I leave that to Steve or WanMil. I think it can be configured in the logging.properties as well.


Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 14:11:21 +0100
From: ben@bagu.org
To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] patches

Hi Brian,

Thanks for the feedback.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 3:13 AM, Brian Egge <brianegge@gmail.com> wrote:
The NYC addresses are working well. I have a minor correction as follows:

Index: resources/styles/default/inc/address
--- resources/styles/default/inc/address (revision 3342)
+++ resources/styles/default/inc/address (working copy)
@@ -66,8 +66,11 @@
 # New York City has different admin levels than the rest of the US.
 mkgmap:country=USA & mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level5='New York City' & mkgmap:admin_level6='New York County' { set mkgmap:city='New York' }
-mkgmap:country=USA & mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level5='New York City' & mkgmap:admin_level6='Bronx County' { set mkgmap:city='The Bronx' }
+mkgmap:country=USA & mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level5='New York City' & mkgmap:admin_level6='Bronx County' { set mkgmap:city='Bronx' }
 mkgmap:country=USA & mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level5='New York City' & mkgmap:admin_level6='Kings County' { set mkgmap:city='Brooklyn' }
+# Queens uses neighborhoods for city in postal addresses
+mkgmap:country=USA & mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level5='New York City' & mkgmap:admin_level6='Queens County' & mkgmap:admin_level8=* { set mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:admin_level8}' }
 mkgmap:country=USA & mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level5='New York City' & mkgmap:admin_level6='Queens County' { set mkgmap:city='Queens' }
 mkgmap:country=USA & mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level5='New York City' & mkgmap:admin_level6='Richmond County' { set mkgmap:city='Staten Island' }
 mkgmap:country=USA & mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level8=* { set mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:admin_level8|subst:City of }’ }

One always says ‘The Bronx’, but in addresses is it’s simply Bronx. For Queens, the neighborhood is used in mailing addresses, though sometimes people will use ‘Queens’ instead. If you look up "40-01 43 AVENUE” www.usps.com, it says the standardized address is:
4001 43RD AVE
SUNNYSIDE NY 11104-3205

But, the school board lists it’s address as:
40-01 43 AVENUE

While the school itself says it’s address is:
40-01 43 Avenue  Sunnyside, NY 11104

If I’m given an address, most likely it will have the neighborhood in it, and not ‘Queens’. 

I briefly looked into this as well and you are correct. Good catch, thanks.

@Gerd (or other mkgmap developers): Can you update the address rules for NYC with Brian's patch. Thanks.

Here’s an alternative patch to pick up place_name:
Index: src/uk/me/parabola/mkgmap/build/LocatorUtil.java
--- src/uk/me/parabola/mkgmap/build/LocatorUtil.java (revision 3342)
+++ src/uk/me/parabola/mkgmap/build/LocatorUtil.java (working copy)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
  public static List<String> getNameTags(Properties props) {
- String nameTagProp = props.getProperty("name-tag-list", "name");
+ String nameTagProp = props.getProperty("name-tag-list", "name,place_name");
  return Arrays.asList(COMMA_OR_SPACE_PATTERN.split(nameTagProp));

I think it makes sense to have this in mkgmap. Personally I prefer the patch which displays a warning message so that I can include it in the list of warnings to fix on my website. But I guess the mkgmap developers are in the best position to decide which is best. If this solution is chosen, a comment would be useful - maybe just indicate that 'place_name' is only included for compatibility with an old tag. Perhaps place_name would be removed in the future when it's no longer in OSM.
Your other patches seem ok to me but I'm probably not the best person to review them. :)

Thanks again for this work.


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