Thanks for testing.
In case the destination is tagged on the motorway_link you can easily
add that to the exit_hint way name:
highway=motorway_link & mkgmap:exit_hint=true
{ delete display_name;
name 'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_ref} ${mkgmap:exit_hint_name}'
${destination} |
'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_ref} ${mkgmap:exit_hint_name}' |
'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_ref} ${mkgmap:exit_hint_exit_to}' |
'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_exit_to}' |
'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_name}' |
'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_ref}' }
But in most cases the text is too long and is therefore not displayed.
And not all motorway_links are tagged with destination at its beginnig
(that's the case in Kreuz Bielefeld).
I will try to analyze if the exit leads to lower grade highways. Anyhow
with the current implementation you will get the hint to leave on exit
number NN at Kreuz XXX. And just after exiting you get the destination
as hint. But for some case that might be too late....
> Thanks for this great feature WanMil! At exits it works as expected, One
> thing though. Not all motorway_junction nodes are related to exits. In
> some cases they are used for the name of interchanges (like 'Kreuz
> Bielefeld
> <>").
> At this moment Mapsource shows 'exit Kreuz Bielefeld' and not the
> destination. Is there a way to make a distinction, possibly by the
> difference that exits always lead to lower grade highways?
> Cheers, Johan
> 2012/12/20 WanMil < <>>
> > On 12/18/12 12:18 PM, WanMil wrote:
> >>>
> >>> have you looked at the exit_to tag? in the US, we're generally
> using exit_to
> >>> to contain the text from the exit sign prior to the actual
> exit, so if
> >>> it exists,
> >>> it should match the local signage.
> >>>
> >>> Yes, I've seen that. This is also on the TODO list :-)
> >>>
> > ok. it has some value simply due to the fact that we've been busy
> > populating it.
> >
> > richard
> >
> Hi Richard,
> I've added support for exit_to tagging. The exit_to tags are available
> in the hint part with the tag mkgmap:exit_hint_exit_to
> WanMil
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