Thank you Carlos and Gerd by your answers.
In fact, I don't use the default style, but each way is tagged with "mkgmap:country=BRA", as you can see in a partial sample extracted from a mkgmap execution with echotags:
Way 6761 [addr:city=BRUMADINHO, addr:country=BRA, addr:state=MG, highway=residential, mkgmap:city=BRUMADINHO, mkgmap:country=BRA, mkgmap:label:1=RUA DAS ROSAS, mkgmap:region=MG, mkgmap:street=RUA DAS ROSAS, name=RUA DAS ROSAS]
Way 13983 [addr:city=BRUMADINHO, addr:country=BRA, addr:state=MG, highway=residential, mkgmap:city=BRUMADINHO, mkgmap:country=BRA, mkgmap:label:1=RUA RUBI, mkgmap:region=MG, mkgmap:street=RUA RUBI, name=RUA RUBI]
This is may roadNameConfig.txt file in this test:
# Section 1
# prefix1:<lang> list of 1st words
# prefix2:<lang> further words to combine with each prefix1 word, separated with a blank
# suffix:<lang> gives list of suffix words
# portugese
prefix1:pt = "Rua", "Avenida", "Travessa"
prefix2:pt = "da ", "do ", "de ", "das ", "dos "
# Section 2
# Map 3 letter ISO country codes to list of used languages for road names.
lang:BRA = pt
lang:PRT = pt
And in MapSource I'm still viewing the ways with full name prefixed bye "Rua" and "Rua das ":
What can I'm doing wrong?
And Gerd, in your last email you quoted the "LocatorConfig.xml" file. What file is this and where can I find it?