Hi all,
I've just noticed that the default style
treats a way with highway=footway and bicycle=yes
as a bicycle-only way, e.g.
http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/8564649I think that is not intended.
Reason is this rule:
# Convert generic path to most specific
highway=footway & snowplowing!=no
& (bicycle=yes|bicycle=designated|bicycle=permissive|bicycle=official)
{set highway=cycleway; set bicycle=yes}
which changes a highway=footway to a highway=cycleway.
In the german wiki the tag highway=footway means something like
"pedestrian only".
I'd like to change that rule to
highway=footway & snowplowing!=no
& (bicycle=designated|bicycle=permissive|bicycle=official)
{set highway=cycleway; set bicycle=yes; set foot=yes}