Dave, I have done the same thing with 1 way arrows (linetype 0x26 for me)

I have only done this for SECONDARY, TERTIARY, RESIDENTIAL, and SERVICE roads. Here is my 'line' code for SECONDARY roads:

highway=secondary & ( network=e-road | int_ref=* ) [0x04 resolution 19-19 continue]
highway=secondary & oneway=yes [0x26 resolution 19 continue]
highway=secondary & cycleway=lane [0x00 resolution 19 continue]
highway=secondary & bridge!=yes [0x04 road_class=2 road_speed=3 resolution 19 continue]
highway=secondary & bridge=yes [0x01 road_class=2 road_speed=3 resolution 22]
highway=secondary_link & bridge!=yes [0x08 road_class=2 road_speed=1 resolution 19 continue]
highway=secondary_link & bridge!=yes [0x23 resolution 19 continue]
highway=secondary_link & oneway=yes [0x26 resolution 19 continue]
highway=secondary_link & cycleway=lane [0x00 resolution 19 continue]
highway=secondary_link & bridge=yes [0x01 road_class=2 road_speed=1 resolution 22]

I do this for both the road and the *_link, This is 'mid-way' in my code. You can see I also have overlay for BICYCLE lanes and BRIDGES
It works and looks great.


On Sat, Mar 5, 2016 at 1:28 AM, Dave Swarthout <daveswarthout@gmail.com> wrote:
I would like to see oneway arrows drawn on top of the highway lines the way OSMAnd does it. I tried moving my oneway arrow rules to after the other highway rules were finished processing but they completely disappeared. The lines style rules are below and in my TYP file are defined as blue arrows on a transparent background.

# display direction arrows on highways
highway=* & (oneway=yes | oneway=1 | oneway=true) [0x10000 resolution 24 continue with_actions]
highway=* &  oneway=-1 [0x10001 resolution 24 continue with_actions]


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