Hi WanMil,

> > I think the wanted behaviour is this:
> > 1) The change in speed should be applied to max. 25m
> > before and after the POI or to the connection
> > with another way, whatever comes first.
> > 2) A POI like a barrier should not change access
> > to the way before or after the POI, only at the POI.
> >
> > The attached patch implements this changed behaviour.
> > The type 2) POI are converted to route restrictions.
> I've tested part 2) of the patch and it worked fine for me!

well, I think that means that part 1) is not yet working.
I am not sure, but I think you moved the evaluation of the
tags mkgmap:road-speed and mkgmap:road-class
so that the interpretation of the POI has no effect.
Was that intended?

> >
> > The patch also changes the meaning of route restrictions.
> > In r2907 and before, route restrictions prohibit access for
> > pedestrians and emergency, the patched version
> > allows them by default.
> Does that mean a common turn restriction from a=>b also means that
> pedestrians never can route a=>b?

yes, in trunk all turn restrictions are created without an exception
for pedestrians or  emergency. 

> >
> > If I hear no complains, I'll commit that next sunday.
> I propose to move the link-pois-to-ways handling before merging roads.
> Do you think it's complicated to move it?

Ahh, I forgot about this. I got a cold last weekend, so I'm not able to concentrate
very well. If I got this right, it should work if we add new
instances to roads  and roadTypes for each part of the way, maybe with
a fake id. Not sure if it will reduce the number of roads,
I think more important is to fix the above problem.
