Hi all,

please read carefully:

Up to now the process_destination option is a bit problematic because

it may add the tag destination=* to an existing OSM element, and I think this

is not good, all tags added by mkgmap should have the mkgmap: prefix.

As Greg pointed out this causes problems for style authors who want to

create special hints depending on tags like destination:street .

The attached patch changes the method like this:

1) the tag destination is not changed by mkgmap

2) Instead the special tag mkgmap:dest_hint is now set to the

destination string that was found in one of the tags listed in this code snippet:


(BTW: This is also the order of evaluation in mkgmap searches since r3673, of cause

forward/backward are checked depending on the direction of the way)

For style authors this means that they have to

1) change all rules with mkgmap:dest_hint=true to mkgmap:dest_hint=*

2) change the rule that produces the hint to something like this:
  { set dest_hint = '${destination:ref|subst: =>} ${mkgmap:dest_hint|subst:;=> |subst:/=> }' |
         '${ref|subst: =>} ${mkgmap:dest_hint|subst:;=> |subst:/=> }' |
         '${mkgmap:dest_hint|subst:;=> |subst:/=> }';

Basically all places where "destination" was used were changed to mkgmap:dest_hint.

I am aware that this could cause trouble, so I've added a check that complains when

the style contains an expression mkgmap:dest_hint=true .

A binary can be found here:


With the default style this produces the same img file as r3673.

Please let me know if you see problems with your style.
