ok, thanks Steve
.... got the point (more or less, I think)...
The problem is, I think, that we're using mkgmap for different
- Map Creation (where as you describe, the map language is
- TYP file compilation (where in my opinion the overruling
possibility via option would make sense)
In addition to that we're able to run both tasks in one go.... which
then may lead into troubles...
The initial change was focusing on the TYP file compilation... and
therefore raises some issues 'at the other end'
On 18.12.2013 11:48, Steve Ratcliffe
This was the thinking that lead to the previous change (in the
I was woring with the CodePage was actually wrong).
But it doesn't really work except in a few cases. For example if
are Greek and have a greek typ file which is written in code-page
1253, then it must be written in that code page. If you are
a map of Russia in code-page 1251, and that setting is applied to
TYP file, then compiling the typ file will fail.
And this is normal, the typ file is meant to be in your own
not the language of the map that you are viewing.
So you either have to get the CodePage correct, or leave it out
altogether and then it will be taken from the command line. But
if it is taken from the command line then it will still fail if
you specify a code-page that is not compatible with the code
page that the typ is actually in.
On 17/12/13 22:31, Patrik Brunner wrote:
This means that everyone needs to make
everywhere sure that the correct
stuff is written inside the source file...
I really think it's the more convenient way to have:
1. The CP taken from the source file is the the one 'normally'
2. CLI Argument 'overrules' the content of the TYP source file.
This is the way most of other products work: you're able to
something inside a config file (or similar) CLI argument
overrules it.
I have to admit that I didn't really go too deep into Henning's
so may I missed something important... then I have to apologize.
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