This isn't a problem. Just add afer addresspart of style-file:

short_name=* { delete short_name }


Am 12.03.2012 10:26, schrieb Michał Rogala:
thanks! I will try this method. But what if I want to use "short_name"
only for boundaries and "name" for all other objects?

I've seen .bnd files under hex editor and data from all tags is there
so theoretically it is possible :).

best regards

Michal Rogala

2012/3/12 Gerd Petermann <>:
Hi Michal,

I think you can use the --name-tag-list parameter for that. Please try
something like


Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2012 15:41:52 +0100
Subject: [mkgmap-dev] using short_name tag of a boundary


I have a question which I hope is trivial but I couldn't find answer to:

I use default rules to generate name index for my map:

mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level8=* { set
mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:admin_level8 }' }

I want to use names from "short_name" tag instead of "name" tag
assigned to boundary=administrative polygon.

How is it possible?

best regards

Michal Rogala