Oh sorry, I'm stupid. I did not realise that I need to copy in the optional lib files also to the running instance of mkgmap.jar. Really should have noticed that based on the error message.

well anyhow - here is the debug data and the orig.osm.pbf compiled with the patched mkgmap version: https://openmtbmap.org/map_with_debug.zip


On 27 February 2018 at 22:49, Gerd Petermann <gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Felix,

sorry, I always use the debugging stuff within Eclipse.
Something like this should work:

java -XX:StringTableSize=100003 -Xms6000M -Xmx13300M -cp d:\mkgmap\lib\optional\splitter-412.jar;d:\mkgmap\dist\mkgmap.jar uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.main.Main --max-jobs=8 ...
Replace d:\mkgmap with the directory where you ran the ant resolve-optional dist command


Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk> im Auftrag von Felix Hartmann <extremecarver@gmail.com>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Februar 2018 21:29:20
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Bug in Road Merging - actually doubling roads.

I looked into the files for sometime - and right now tried to compile it with the patched mkgmap version - however I get:
C:\OpenMTBMap\maps>start /low /b /wait java -jar -XX:StringTableSize=100003 -Xms6000M -Xmx13300M C:\openmtbmap\mkgmap.jar --max-jobs=8 "--generate-sea" --code-page=1252 "--precomp-sea=C:\openmtbmap\maps\sea.zip" "--style-file=C:\openmtbmap\test_style" --lower-case --nsis --index --levels="0:24, 1:23, 2:22, 3:21, 4:20, 5:19, 6:18" --overview-levels="7:17, 8:16, 9:15, 10:14, 11:13, 12:12" --add-pois
-to-areas --pois-to-areas-placement=entrance=main;entrance=yes;building=entrance;barrier=entrance --reduce-point-density=3.4 --reduce-point-density-polygon=6 --cycle-map --ignore-fixme-values --housenumbers --link-pois-to-ways --ignore-turn-restrictions --polygon-size-limits="24:16, 23:14, 22:12, 21:11, 20:10, 19:9, 18:8, 17:7, 16:6, 15:5, 14:4, 13:3, 12:2, 11:0, 10:0" --description=openmtbmap_it
--show-profiles=1  --location-autofill=bounds,is_in,nearest  --bounds=C:\openmtbmap\maps\bounds.zip --route --country-abbr=it --country-name=italy --mapname=63670000 --family-id=6367 --product-id=1 --series-name=openmtbmap_italy_27.02.2018 --family-name=mtbmap_it_27.02.2018 --tdbfile --overview-mapname=mapsetc --keep-going --area-name="italy_27.02.2018_openmtbmap.org<http://italy_27.02.2018_openmtbmap.org>" c:\openmtbmap\orig.osm.pbf  1
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: uk/me/parabola/splitter/Area
        at uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.osmstyle.WrongAngleFixer.writeOSM(WrongAngleFixer.java:1279)
        at uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.osmstyle.WrongAngleFixer.printBadAngles(WrongAngleFixer.java:733)
        at uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.osmstyle.WrongAngleFixer.optimizeWays(WrongAngleFixer.java:90)
        at uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.osmstyle.StyledConverter.end(StyledConverter.java:609)
        at uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.reader.osm.ElementSaver.convert(ElementSaver.java:243)
        at uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.reader.osm.OsmMapDataSource.load(OsmMapDataSource.java:157)
        at uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.main.MapMaker.loadFromFile(MapMaker.java:154)
        at uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.main.MapMaker.makeMap(MapMaker.java:52)
        at uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.main.Main$1.call(Main.java:290)
        at uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.main.Main$1.call(Main.java:286)
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: uk.me.parabola.splitter.Area
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        ... 14 more

As for compiling the orig.osm.pbf with my style - the resulting map is here:

On 27 February 2018 at 13:48, Felix Hartmann <extremecarver@gmail.com<mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com>> wrote:
Had no time the last 3 days, I'm right now testing some things will post back in a couple of hours....

On 27 February 2018 at 12:01, Gerd Petermann <gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com<mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Felix,

any feedback?


Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk<mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk>> im Auftrag von Gerd Petermann <gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com<mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com>>
Gesendet: Samstag, 24. Februar 2018 10:36:29
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Bug in Road Merging - actually doubling roads.

Hi Felix,

maybe this helps already:
Attached is a small patch that changes StyledConverter so that it only accepts 4 routable ways for one OSM way.
Any further routable way for the same OSM way creates just a warning.


Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk<mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk>> im Auftrag von Felix Hartmann <extremecarver@gmail.com<mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com>>
Gesendet: Freitag, 23. Februar 2018 19:08:45
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Bug in Road Merging - actually doubling roads.

I think merging is fine - maybe just add restrictions to the adjoining ways if preset. And it really should not happen that ways are merged past a junction - I now think this happens in some more places. Because it's not the first time I notice that a routing turns 180° to return to the junction to actually turn.
And maybe could there be a filter that there are never more than 5 routable ways from continue command? From 6 onwards it crashes devices. Maybe even from 5 onwards. 1 routable original and 3 routable overlays are definitely fine. (Basecamp/Mapsource don't care - it only crashes GPS devices).

On 23 February 2018 at 09:12, Henning Scholland <osm@hscholland.de<mailto:osm@hscholland.de><mailto:osm@hscholland.de<mailto:osm@hscholland.de>>> wrote:
Hi Gerd,
Maybe it's better to try to merge these small ways as they anyway only creates 'ugly' roads. With increasing level of details in OSM I think mkgmap will need some preprocessing to generalise the data first. I'm not only thinking about these very small ways, but also have the lane-mapping and other mapping details, which are not important for Garmin maps.
On 23 Feb 2018, at 15:21, Gerd Petermann <gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com<mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com><mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com<mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com>>> wrote:

Hi Felix,

I have to think about this for a while. There are three very short ways connected in node 412440328:
way 130665733 : the northern node 1263658617 is close to a Garmin grid point, the sourthern node 412440328 is also closer to this grid point than to any other,
so both are rounded to the same grid point in the north, and finally it is ignored.
way 110722884:  the way is only ~1m long and  both nodes are far from any Garmin grid point. This is the way that is causing the trouble.
It is not removed, instead the initial rounding changes it to a ~3m way  going north -> south.
way 130663479: the way has 3 nodes, and the one in the middle (node 1263658804) is rounded to the same coords as the ends of the bridge (way 103567847) and way 110722884, while the northern node 412440328 is moved up.

I've attached 4 files to document the problem. Please load into JOSM to visualize:
orig.osm.pbf: the original osm data
init_hp.osm.pbf: the road network as input to WrongAngleFixer in so called "high precision"
init_mu.osm.pbf: like init_hp.osm.pbf, but rounded to Garmin map units
after-WO_mu.osm.pbf: the result of WrongAngleFixer with coords rounded to Garmin map units
(please ignore the fact that the node ids in non-orig files are wrong)

Somehow I have to teach mkgmap that it would be better to ignore (also) way 110722884. I don't know yet what criteria I should use for that.
Normally we try to keep all routable ways, as they may contain access restrictions.

BTW: There is more such trouble near way 111528851.



Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk<mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk><mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk<mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk>>> im Auftrag von Felix Hartmann <extremecarver@gmail.com<mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com><mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com<mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com>>>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. Februar 2018 20:19:15
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Bug in Road Merging - actually doubling roads.

Perfect. I guess my maps are the only one causing bsod here on devices, but without the bug they would be fine...

On 22 Feb 2018 20:03, "Gerd Petermann" <gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com<mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com><mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com<mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com>><mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com<mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com><mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com<mailto:gpetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com>>>> wrote:
Hi Felix,

I can reproduce the problem with a small download around the way and just the --route option.
The problem seems to be in WrongAngleFixer, it says
"... all points of way http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/130665733 are rounded to equal map units"
No idea why the way is not reduced to a single point, will investigate further.



Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk<mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk><mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk<mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk>><mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk<mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk><mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk<mailto:mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk>>>> im Auftrag von Felix Hartmann <extremecarver@gmail.com<mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com><mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com<mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com>><mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com<mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com><mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com<mailto:extremecarver@gmail.com>>>>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. Februar 2018 19:27:44
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: [mkgmap-dev] Bug in Road Merging - actually doubling roads.

I just noticed that mkgmap sometimes creates a lot more routable roads for a certain stretch than actually defined in the style-file.


should be only once as a routable line in my map, however it ends up 6 times!
Once is correct, but 5 iterations are actually the way from the south (3 times) and the way from the East (2 times). Now each of these ways should be created that often, however it should not overlay into this short stretch of way.

While doubling up ways can be beneficial for routing, having a way more than 5 times on top of each other let's Garmin devices crash on routing over them. Also it leads to detours - as it will not always route straight from the Way from South to the Way going to the West, but follow along after the intersection for 4.3m until hitting up north, then reversing and finally going to the way in the West.

I've uploaded the tile here:

I'm pretty sure that with other style-files - the way will also be copied past the intersection and end up too often in the map for that 4.3m stretch...

I kinda guess it is related to it being so short - that place has some remarkable micro-mapping detail.
Or is this really expected?

If needed I can try to create a reduced style to only create that problem - but I think the bug should be obvious.

Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org<http://Openmtbmap.org> & VeloMap.org<http://VeloMap.org>
Schusterbergweg 32/8
6020 Innsbruck
Austria - Österreich

mkgmap-dev mailing list


mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org
Schusterbergweg 32/8
6020 Innsbruck
Austria - Österreich
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org
Schusterbergweg 32/8
6020 Innsbruck
Austria - Österreich

Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org
Schusterbergweg 32/8
6020 Innsbruck
Austria - Österreich
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org
Schusterbergweg 32/8
6020 Innsbruck
Austria - Österreich