Folks the index branch has been merged with main since sometime and the experimental --x-split-name-index works for me as documented but I still don't get an optimal user experience.
Example, there might be multiple streets named with the same word (example in Padova, Italy: Via Dietro Duomo, Piazza del Duomo, Galleria Duomo): if you type "Duomo" the expected behaviour is to have the gps to show the list of available matches, while in the current implementation three lines with just the word "Duomo" appears and you don't know which one to pick.
Without the --x-split-name-index option, adding the below to "inc/address" produces imho a better result overall for latin countries. Please evaluate if to embed some of the logic in "--x-split-name-index" option to set the appropriate labels with the full name of the street, which if I understood correctly is what the navigator shows.
# Add in inc/address
# Step 1: in latin countries the last word of a street name is the meaningful one, so get it and
# consider the exception when the last two words are the meaningful ones (like "Via Vittorio Emanuele XI").
# Get the last full word if a \s (whitespace) exist in name
( mkgmap:country=ITA | mkgmap:country=FRA | mkgmap:country=CHE | mkgmap:country=ESP) & highway=* & name ~ '.*\s.*' { set last:word='${name|part: :-1}' }
# if the last full word is a roman number - i.e. if a street has been named after a King or a Pope - get the last two words
last:word ~ '(I|II|III|IV|V|VI.*|IX|X|XI.*|XV.*|XX.*)' {set last:word='${name|part: >-3}' }
# Step 2: set the labels used for address search (3&4):
# the 3rd label is set with the last:word as 1st word followed by comma and the remaining words
# i.e. 'Via Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart' becomes 'Mozart, Via Wolfgang Amadeus'
# the 4th label is set the 1st word (that is usually Via, Rue, Avenida etc, so not really useful in search)
# i.e. 'Via Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart' becomes 'Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart'
last:word=* { set mkgmap:label:3='${last:word}, ${name|part: <-1}';set mkgmap:label:4='${name|part: >1}' }