El 21/05/11 11:23, Marco Certelli escribió:

Is anybody able to understand, explain and maybe give a guideline for correction of these 3 errors occurring during Italian Map compiling?
GRAVE (Polyline): 66923040.osm.gz: Problem writing line (class uk.me.parabola.imgfmt.app.trergn.Polyline) of type 0x1e containing 2 points and starting at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=40.73263&mlon=10.02642&zoom=17

GRAVE (Polyline): 66923040.osm.gz:   Subdivision shift is 0 and its centre is at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=40.80872&mlon=8.94656&zoom=17

GRAVE (Polyline): 66923040.osm.gz:   deltaLong = 50325

As far as I remember, length between nodes is too long to be processed. You need to add some intermediate nodes to get it work.