Another couple of examples of country defaults for NLD:

cycleway: add mofa=yes; add moped=no

motorway/link: add bicycle=no; add mofa=no; add moped=no; add foot=no; add agricultural=no; add maxspeed=130; 

Would it be more manageable to have a directory structure containing a small file per country, which is loaded (cached) on first use? Then we won't have to merge so many changes into the one big file as the usage of this facility spreads across the globe.




On 2014-04-18 12:37, Minko wrote:

Wanmil, here are two examples of country specific rules.
Maybe put them in one inc/access_country file so anyone can add their speific country rules to this file?

# The Netherlands

highway=trunk & mkgmap:country=NLD	{ add bicycle=no; add foot=no }
highway=cycleway & mkgmap:country=NLD	{ add foot=yes }
highway=bridleway & mkgmap:country=NLD	{ add foot=yes }

# Belgium

highway=trunk & mkgmap:country=BEL	{ add bicycle=no; add foot=no }
highway=cycleway & mkgmap:country=BEL	{ add foot=yes }
highway=bridleway & mkgmap:country=BEL	{ add foot=yes }

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